
                              CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

 3rd International Information and Telecommunication Technology Symposium
                Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
                   Biblioteca Comunitária - BCo Auditorium

                              DECEMBER 6 to 9, 2004

We would like to invite you to participate in I2TS´2004.
I2TS'2004 serves as an international forum for people from academia,
industry and research labs, for presenting recent research results in
Information Technology Applications, and Telecommunication Systems.

This year I2TS had 120 submitted papers (106 via EDAS and almost 20 sent to
us directly). 18 English papers and 10 Portuguese papers were accepted as
regular papers, what leads to an acceptance rate of about 22%.

We also have received very good papers, which were accepted by the TPC as
good Short/Poster papers. We believe these papers will generate quite
interesting discussion among the participants.

Five tutorials will be offered:
Large Scale Distributed Simulation - Prof. Azzedine Boukerche-SITE/UOttawa
(in English)
Sensor Networks - Prof. Antonio Loureiro-DCC/UFMG (in Portuguese)
Grid Computing - Prof. Mario Dantas-INF/UFSC (in Portuguese)
Forensic Investigation of Jeopardized Sytems - Guilherme Venere-CAIS/RNP (in
Aspects of Wireless Network Security - Adriano Cansian-ACME/UNESP (in

Panel: Novel Applications over High Speed Networks - The Tidia Project
Workshop: Novel Applications over High Speed Networks (Kyatera and Tidia-AE)

See Technical Program at http://www.dc.ufscar.br/i2ts2004/
Registrations are active at http://www.dc.ufscar.br/i2ts2004/

General Chairs
Prof. Dr. Azzedine Boukerche - Canada Research Chair - SITE/UOttawa
Prof. Mirela S.M.A. Notare - Fundação Barddal
Prof. Regina B. Araujo - DC/UFSCar