[Sincere apologies for possible multiple copies of this message]

IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and
Multimedia Networks

Taormina, Italy, June, 2005

Sponsored by The IEEE Computer Society and
The University of Texas at Arlington

Technical sponsored by IEEE TCCC
**** Submission Deadline --- November 10, 2004 ****
Following the successful series of MobiCom one-day Workshop on  Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WOWMOM) 1998-2002, WOWMOM 2005 is now an independent IEEE Symposium. This symposium intends to provide a definitive forum for networking, software systems and multimedia research in the wireless/mobile area involving both computer science and electrical engineering communities.
Technology evolution is driving toward a world of wireless, mobile, and multimedia pervasive communications where users can seamlessly and ubiquitously accomplish their tasks, access information or communicate with other users anytime, anywhere, and by any device. Technologies include, among others, IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, Mobile IP, micro-mobility protocols, IP paging, wireless IP QOS, mobile ad hoc and sensor networks, and cellular networks. In addition to these, new and emerging technologies (e.g., UWB) need to be taken into account. The resulting networking environment will constitute the fourth generation wireless networks. 4G will integrate different types of wireless networks with wire-line backbone network seamlessly, and provide the convergence of voice, multimedia and data traffic over a single IP based core network.

WoWMoM 2005 technical program committee is soliciting papers addressing the research challenges toward a world of wireless, mobile, and multimedia pervasive communications. Two types of contributions will be accepted:

FULL PAPERS. Full Papers must present original, previously unpublished, complete works, validated by experimentation,  simulation, or analysis. Practical experiences and experimental efforts are welcome.

POSITION PAPERS. Papers in this category must be visionary, innovative and forward-looking. They must offer new perspectives opening future research directions, rather than by presenting mature work with quantitative results. Only a limited number of slots will be available for position papers that will be reviewed primarily for relevance and originality.

Topics of interest for WOWMOM 2005 include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- System prototypes and experiences
- Software technologies and systems
- QoS for real-time voice and video in wireless networks
- Interactive broadband television, gaming, and video distribution
- Middleware support for QoS provision
- Caching and content management in WLANs and WMANs
- Differentiated services in wireless multimedia networks
- IP-based multimedia services over wireless networks
- Networking services for ambient intelligence and pervasive environments
- Multicasting and broadcasting problems and solutions
- Handoff and mobility management
- Seamless internetworking
- IP-based mobile networks
- Location mechanism and services
- Wireless BAN, PAN, LAN, and MAN
- Ad hoc and sensor networks
- Vehicular wireless networks
- Access technologies
- Third and fourth generation systems
- Energy-efficient protocols and power management
- Wireless security and dependability
- Pricing and billing
- Modeling and Performance evaluation

Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor currently under review by another conference or journal.  Guidelines on paper submission and formatting will be provided on the website (http://cnd.iit.cnr.it/wowmom2005). Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by IEEE.

Full papers due:        November 10, 2004
Notification:           January 20, 2005
Camera Ready due:       February 15, 2005

GENERAL Co-Chairs:
        Giuseppe Anastasi, University of Pisa, Italy
        Sajal K. Das, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
PROGRAM Co-Chairs:
        Marco Conti, National Research Council, Italy
        Dipankar Raychaudhuri WINLAB/Rutgers University, USA

        Yonghe Liu, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA

        Mainak Chatterjee, Univ. Central Florida, USA
        Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
        Franca Delmastro, IIT-CNR, Italy
Franca Delmastro
Pervasive Computing & Networking Lab. (PerLab)
IIT- National Research Council
via G. Moruzzi,1
56124 Pisa, Italy
phone: +39 050 3152407 (direct)