Dear Dipak / Otto,
I have the same doubts mentioned by
Guy Leduc, I mean,
" ... Probably what is missing in this document is the
application procedure (a list of actions) a candidate
should follow to benefit from it. It's not even clear to me who
has to launch/handle the process: The student?
The National Society? The conference organizer?..."
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Leduc" <>
To: "Otto Spaniol" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: [ifip-tc6] DCSC grants for 2004 and for 2005

> Dear Otto, Dipak,
> At 8:48 +0200 10/09/04, Otto Spaniol wrote:
> >Dear all,
> >
> >please find enclosed the report of Dipak Khakhar for IFIP GA
> >concerning the DCSC (Developing Countries Support Committee)
> >grant situation.
> >
> >It contains the grants which have been given in 2004 and those
> >which will be given in 2005.
> >
> >In 2005, TC6 will receive grants for Middleware 2005
> >and for MWCN 2005 (in both cases 1.500 EURO).
> Thanks for the good news!
> >Furthermore there is a description of a "voucher scheme" which
> >gives information about how to apply for grants and for which
> >purpose the grants may be given.
> For Middleware, these 1500 EUR will be used to
> support part of the costs of 2 young researchers
> from IFIP developing countries attending the
> conference.
> While reading the Voucher Scheme below, I was
> wondering how this scheme could be practically
> applied in this case. Note that the 2 researchers
> will only be know (selected) e.g. 2 months before
> the event. If their National Society has to be
> involved in the process in order to benefit from
> an additional suppport under this voucher scheme,
> this seems unpractical. Probably what is missing
> in this document is the application procedure (a
> list of actions) a candidate should follow to
> benefit from it. It's not even clear to me who
> has to launch/handle the process: The student?
> The National Society? The conference organizer?
> ...
> Best regards,
> Guy
> >Best regards
> >Otto
> >
> >Attachment converted: Macintosh
> >HD:dcscreport-ga04 1.doc (BINA/MSWD) (00110A51)
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> Université de Liège                         Secr :  +32 4 366 26 91
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