Dear WG chairs,
I forward you the message received from Herbert indicating that there are some problems with the automatic distribution of reports. It seems that it is not possible to solve the problem before the Budapest meeting. I suggest that you take the form as it is in the TC6 site, fill it and mail it directly to me.
Up to now I have received reports from WG 6.4, WG 6.8 and WG6.11.
Please send the reports asap as I am preparing the meeting documents ans they will be copied during the weekend.
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Herbert Leitold []
Sent: segunda-feira, 5 de Maio de 2003 21:07
To: 'Guy Leduc'
Subject: AW: WG report via TC6 page

Dear Guy, dear Augusto,
unfortunately I could not get hold of the problem with the WG report forms. I now have re-installed
the server software, created a new form and tested it - it worked, but I didn't have problems with my
tests before - so I'm not sure whether the problems will re-appear. (I've no idea what to do, if they
problems continue - except completely replacing the server which can't be done before Budapest).
Guy, I'm afraid your report didn't get through, at least tehr is no indication in our logs that it did.
Augusto, plaes le me know, if I'm wrong and you received a WG 6.1 report.  
PS: Augusto, during my tests I created a few report sheets and forgot to replace the
email address - so I think you received a few junk-reports, sorry for that.  
Best regards,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Guy Leduc []
Gesendet: Montag, 05. Mai 2003 10:59
An: Herbert Leitold
Betreff: WG report via TC6 page

Dear Herbert,

When submitting my WG6.1 report via the TC6 web page, I got the following message:


Benutzer: Informieren Sie den Webmaster dieser Site über alle Details.

Webmaster: Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Anwendungsereignis-Protokoll des Servers.

I don't understand it.

Did my report get through or not?

Best regards,

Prof. Guy Leduc Tel : +32 4 366 26 98
Université de Liège Secr : +32 4 366 26 91
Réseaux Informatiques Fax : +32 4 366 29 89
Research Unit in Networking (RUN)
EECS Department, Institut Montefiore, B 28, B-4000 LIEGE 1, BELGIUM