Dear Otto,

Could you clarify the formula

The "fund to be used in year n" is (("Fund balance" in year n-1) minus 15.000) * 20%

For 2006, this formula gives 16270 EUR, but the budget for "TC-6 activity expenses" in 2006 is only 15250 EUR.

If the "Fund to be used in year n" only covers these "TC-6 activity expenses" (and not the "TC-6 operating expenses" for example), then we will not use enough fund in 2006.

Also, in your Excel sheet, D19 is wrong, it should be = (D6+D10-D13-D15-D17).

Best regards,

At 5:00 PM +0200 7/6/06, Otto Spaniol wrote:
Dear all,

please find enclosed a budget planning and a
financial estimate for IFIP TC6 in 2007. These numbers had to be given to IFIP
before July 7 in order to include them in the general financial planning
which will be discussed at IFIP General Assembly in Santiago de Chile.

With respect to event proceeds and royalties I'm rather pessimistic:
More and more event are co-organised by IFIP (in such cases IEEE becomes
the main sponsor very often)
and royalties from sold books will disappear very soon.

The TC6 funded expenses (best paper awards, student travel grants,
tutorials in developing countries) are very similar to the respective cost
in recent years. You will see that we will end up in a deficit if all
conferences really ask for their BPA's etc.

Please check the calculation and inform me if some
items have been forgotten or if some entries might be cancelled.

The budget will have to be discussed and hopefully approved
at our next meeting in Paris (Sept. 29+30, 2006).

Best regards
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:TC6 budget.xls (XLS8/XCEL) (002A7F2A)
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:TC6fundedexpenses2007.doc (WDBN/«IC») (002A7F2B)
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