On June 23, I sent to all eligible people the procedure for the TC6 election. Before the end of June most of you, including Ignas and Ramon have indicated thet they do not want to stay on the list.
On July 28, Otto told me that he waited to see the shirt list to make its final decision. I suggested Otto to stay on the list as the three other remaining names were very unlikely to confirm their interest. I reported the situation to Augusto who informed me that one of the three was not anymore national delegate.
In the beginning of August the only name on the list was Otto Spaniol and I asked him to prepare his CV and his statement of interest for the TC6 Chairmanship position. But Otto was on holidays and did not react immediately.

On Friday August 29, I received the following email from Ramon

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:59:50 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: TC6 chairman
To: Andre.Danthine@ulg.ac.be
Cc: Augusto.Casaca@inesc.pt

Cher Andre,
A Vilnius, ou je suis maintenant du a ma participation a WITFOR 2003, j'ai parle
avec Augusto Casaca et Dipak Khakhar qui m'ont demande de revenir sur ma
decision de ne pas presenter ma candidature a chairman du TC6.
J'ai besoin d'environ deux semaines pour pouvoir prendre une decision (parler
avec le Recteur de mon universite, etc.).
Des que j'ai l'aurai prise, je te le fairai savoir.

I received the Otto contribution on September 2. The situation was very peculiar. I was ready to start the final phase of the procedure but the email of Ramon was putting the clock back to June 23 when I started the process waiting for the formal decision of confirmed candidate before being able to start the election itself. I envisaged to reject the Ramon provisional candidacy in contradiction with his initial position of June but I did not get any support from the TC6 chairman.
With an additional delay of two weeks, it was still possible to get the results of the election for our meeting in Oman.
Below you will find the exchange of emails

Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 14:46:36 +0200
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: TC6 chairman
To: Andre Danthine <Andre.Danthine@ulg.ac.be>
Cc: Augusto Casaca <Augusto.Casaca@inesc.pt>

Cher Andre,
Je suis en train de chercher les appuis monetaires et familiales pour
revenir sur ma decision de ne pas me presenter a la presidence du TC6.
Cependant, et pour eviter des mesentendus, ni Dipak ni Augusto ont
donne, en aucun moment, leur support a mon eventuelle candidature. Ils
m'ont simplement stimule, de meme que tu as fait il y six ans.
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 05:53:37 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: Candature au TC6
To: Andre.Danthine@ulg.ac.be
Cc: Augusto.Casaca@inesc.pt

Finalement j'ai reussi a avoir le support de mon universite et de ma famille et
maintenant je suis en mesure de poser ma candidature a Chairman du TC6. Tu me
diras quels sont les pas que je dois suivre.
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:52:23 +0200
From: andré danthine <andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be>
To: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
CC: Augusto Casaca <augusto.casaca@inesc.pt>
Subject: Re: Candature au TC6

What you have to do is to follow the instructions in my email of June 23 about the
Election of the TC6 chairman.


On September 20, Augusto was anxious about getting the solution in Oman and he phoned me.
I stressed that it was essential to leave at least 15 days for the vote and, at the request of Augusto, I sent a reminder to Ramon

Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 17:41:44 +0200
From: andré danthine <andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be>
To: RamonPuigjaner <putxi@uib.es>, Augusto Casaca <augusto.casaca@inesc.pt>
Subject: TC6 chairman Election

Dear Ramon,
The last step was already  explained in my June Email
each candidate will have to prepare
- a short CV with an emphasis to the TC6 related activities
- a statement of interest for the TC6 Chairmanship postion. Why do they
want to be chairman, what activities they intend to continue, to
discontinue, to create, what will change in TC6 under their leadership.
- a statement about the way they see the relationship between them (as TC6
chairman) and the Council and the General Assembly.

These information will have to be sent directly to me. I will sort all
these informations and prepare the final document which will allow each TC6
member to cast his vote for one of the candidates. ../..

Please send me without delay the short CV and the two statements.
I expect them for September 25 in order to be able to send the final document to
TC6 members on September 28. Augusto do not want anymore delay.

Best regards


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:56:08 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: re:TC6 chairman Election
To: andré danthine <andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be>
Cc: Augusto Casaca <augusto.casaca@inesc.pt>

Dear Andre,
I have received just today your emails because due to a travel across South
america I have not been able to access my email.
Please give me one or two days more in order to prepare the requested
documentation. You will have it along this week.
Best regards
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 22:37:28 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: TC6 candidature
To: andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be

Dear Andre,
I have logistic problems for sending my the documents concerning my
candidature. They are ready in my computer. If I can connect it to the network
I will send it immediately. At present I am working with the computer of the La
Paz hotel.
It does not accept flash memories and I have no diskettes.
I expect to solve tomorrow the problem. Please authorise me this supplementary
Best regards

Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 23:30:48 +0200
From: andré danthine <andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be>
To: Augusto Casaca <augusto.casaca@inesc.pt>
Subject: [Fwd: TC6 candidature]

I give up

Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 01:06:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ramon Puigjaner <putxi@uib.es>
Subject: candidature
To: Andre.Danthine@ulg.ac.be
Cc: augusto.casaca@inesc.pt

Finalement j'ai une infrastructure convenable pour t'envoyer le materiel de ma
candidature. Tu le trouveras attache a ce message.
Merci de ta patience.
It was impossible for me to launch the final phase during this week.
I am not anymore willing to work on this problem.
Patience is not my main resource. Today this resource is totally exhausted.


ANDRE DANTHINE                    andre.danthine@ulg.ac.be


25, rue Henri Fays   B-4160 Anthisnes (Belgium)