Open Faculty Position in

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

at the University of Liège

The University of Liège (ULg) invites applications for a full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty position in "Electrical and Electronic Engineering" in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Institut Montefiore), to be filled by October 1st, 2006.

The University of Liège

Founded in 1817, the Université de Liège offers a complete range of university courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It is divided into eight faculties : Philosophy and Letters; Law and School of Criminology; Sciences; Medicine; Applied Sciences; Veterinary Medicine; Psychology and Educational Sciences; Economics, Management and Social Sciences.

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Institut Montefiore)

Within the Faculté des Sciences appliquées (school of engineering), the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers several programs to undergraduate and graduate students. Teaching and research areas include electrical engineering, computer science and biomedical engineering.


The new faculty member will develop research in the broad area of analysis, modelling, design and control of electrical, electronic, electromechanical or electromagnetic systems and their applications in engineering and biomedical applications. He/she will also teach undergraduate/graduate courses in one or several of these fields.


1.      A Dr or PhD degree.
2.      A high-level research experience in the area of electrical engineering or electronics.
3.      A strong commitment to research and interest for teaching.
4.      A working knowledge of the French language.

Target starting date: October 1st, 2006

Application procedure

For fullest consideration, applications should be sent to the Rector of the University of Liège (Place du 20-Août, 7, B-4000 Liège, Belgium), with reference "Charge à temps plein dans le domaine de l'analyse, la modélisation, la conception et la commande de systèmes électriques, électroniques, électromécaniques et électromagnétiques", by March 15th, 2006. However, the position will remain open until filled.
A certified copy of diplomas should be included, as well as a resume, a complete list of publications with a copy of the five most significant ones, and the name and address of three international experts, not at the University of Liège, for reference.
A copy of the application should also be sent to Professor L. Wehenkel, at the Institut Montefiore, University of Liège, Sart Tilman B 28, B-4000 Liège, Belgium. Please contact him for further information.

The selected candidate will be,
1.      either appointed for a fixed period of 3 years, after which a tenured appointment will be possible; or
2.      directly appointed with tenure.