Dear Finn:
The main problems as perceived by most TC6 members are:
- IFIP TC6 has little impact worldwide compared to other organizations
- IFIP business model (e.g., expecting revenue from book royalties) is deemed to failure
Therefore, TC6 members decided to use the last meeting as a brainstorming session to discuss problems and devise a strategy for the future. Two groups were formed to discuss various aspects of TC6 business and how to improve them. These include: (1) governance (TC and WGs); (2) Conferences/Workshops; (3) Business Model; (4) Publications.
The set of recommendations is the result of the brainstorming sessions and have been distributed to obtain further input from other TC6 colleagues. One cannot expect solutions to these problems from a short meeting. However, Ad hoc committees (composed of a Chair and few members each) have been created to explore further the identified issues and report back to TC6. These include a committee on Governance, a committee on publications, business model and quality control, and a committee on digital library. I suppose that the TC6 meeting minutes will reflect this.
In general, many believe that it is urgent to revisit the way TC6 conducts its business in order to better serve the community. Being small compared to other similar organizations such as IEEE and ACM (as it is the case now for TC6 and IFIP in general) can be exploited to better take into account the way the world is changing, for example by providing open access quality publications.
We look forward to your and others input.
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: ifip-tc6-bounces@lists.RWTH-Aachen.DE [mailto:ifip-tc6-bounces@lists.RWTH-Aachen.DE] On Behalf Of Finn Arve Aagesen
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 2:44 AM
To: raouf boutaba;
Cc: Finn Arve Aagesen
Subject: Re: [ifip-tc6] TC6 strategy planning

Dear All
Sorry for not attending this time.
Can I ask if you also can send me the list of the
problems these strategic actions intend to solve?
I miss actions to solve some of "my real problems"
and I see actions that make "my problems" worse.
As an example: I did not find the concept <stimulate> in
the list of  recommendations.       
Best regards from Finn Arve...
----- Original Message ----
From: raouf boutaba
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 11:21 AM
Subject: [ifip-tc6] TC6 strategy planning

Please find attached the draft minutes of the TC6 strategic planning meeting in Wroclaw (Poland), October 29-30, 2005.

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