I am sure that you are aware of the existing ACC 05 conference, IEEE's AC meeting and Globecom's mtg. Filling space with too many conferences can be counterproductive to the creation of a cohesive community.
One or two meeting a year on a specific subject can be enough at a formative stage.

De: owner-acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org de la part de Ioannis Stavrakakis
Date: mar. 08/03/2005 10:06
À: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org; tccc@cs.columbia.edu; IFIP_TC6.3_LIST (IFIP_TC6.3_LIST); ifip-tc6@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Cc: Ioannis Stavrakakis (Ioannis Stavrakakis)
Objet : ACF-Members: Autonomic Communication wkshp - WAC2005, Oct_2005, Athens - CFP

(Sorry for duplicates)

Dear Colleagues:

Attached please find the CFP for the 2nd IFIP Workshop on Autonomic
Communication (WAC2005) to take place in place in Vouliagmeni-Athens, Greece
on Oct 3-5, 2005. Vouliagmeni is one of the best coastal and park areas, in
Athens metropolitan area.
!!!!!!!.....Paper submission deadline is APRIL 18, 2005.... !!!!!!!!!!!!

Please note that in addition to technical papers, well thought-out position
and visionary papers focusing on emerging challenges of a fundamental nature
are also welcome. Submission information will be available on the workshop
site soon.

WAC2004 took place in Berlin on Oct 2004. Information may be found on the
web site http://www.autonomic-communication.org/wac/wac2004/index.html

More information will be available on the WAC2005 web site:
http://www.autonomic-communication.org/wac/ (operational in a few days)

Best regards


Ioannis Stavrakakis
WAC2005 organizer

WAC (Oct. 3-5, Vouliagmeni-Athens, Greece)
submit your AUTONOMIC COMMUNICATION research by --- APRIL 18 ---

CONEXT (October 24-27, 2005, Toulouse, France - http://www.co-next.net/)

Ioannis Stavrakakis, Professor
Advanced Networking Research (ANR) Group Communication Networks Lab (CNL)
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia, 157-84, Athens, Greece.
Tel: 30-210-7275343 / Fax: 30-210-7275333
Email: ioannis@di.uoa.gr Home Page: http://www.di.uoa.gr/~ioannis/