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             Call for Papers for the 
        Second International Conference on 

                  (WONS 2005) 

            in St. Moritz, Switzerland 
               January 19-21, 2005 

Wireless networks, be it Wi-Fi access, mobile ad hoc as well 
as sensor networks, aim at providing ubiquitous connectivity 
and network centric services to the masses and to massively 
networked systems. An important attribute of such networks is 
that they can be deployed "on demand" with minimal planning 
and management effort as well as with little dependency on 
existing network infrastructures. Concepts like ambient 
intelligence and disappearing computers that are part of a 
global and fully self-organized Internet hint at the scope 
of this vision, but also at the formidable challenges that 
come with it. 

For this conference we request submissions of high quality 
research papers on "wireless on demand networks" that provide 
novel insights on protocol and network design, modelling and 
performance evaluation, pricing and profitability models, QoS 
models, practical implementations, service level aspects and 
Internet integration of wireless networks. 

Topics related to wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks 
comprise, but are not limited to: 

  o        Architecture and Design 
  o        Analysis through simulation and experimental evaluation 
  o        Internet integration 
  o        Social and economic aspects 
  o        Pervasive / ubiquitous computing 
  o        Localization and mobility management 
  o        Security 
  o        Energy-efficient protocols and power management 
  o        Applications and Service Support 
  o        Data dissemination and peer2peer systems 


Submitted papers must not have been published elsewhere nor 
currently be under review by another conference or journal. 
For paper submission, a web page with detailed information 
will be activated in few days. 
All papers will be reviewed by the program committee. 
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings 
published by LNCS.


  -  August 2nd, 2004:   Submission deadline (hard) 
  -  September 29, 2004: Acceptance notification 
  -  October 18, 2004:   Final version due 


The meeting will take place in the famous winter resort of 
St. Moritz, in Switzerland. This place is synonymous with 
quality and elegance. The magnificent landscape of the Swiss 
alps and the fascinating culture of the Engadine valley 
provide an inspiring background for this conference. 


GENERAL CHAIR: 	Silvia Giordano, University of Applied Science - SUPSI, Switzerland
PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRS: 	Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada 
Christian Tschudin, University of Basel, Switzerland
LOCAL ORGANIZATION CHAIRS: 	Bernardo Zumthor, University of Applied Science - SUPSI, Switzerland
Alessandro Puiatti, University of Applied Science - SUPSI, Switzerland
PUBLICITY CHAIRS: 	Raffaele Bruno, IIT- CNR, Italy 
Johnson Kuruvila, University of Ottawa, Canada
SPONSORSHIPS CHAIR:                 	Ivan Defilippis, University of Applied Science - SUPSI, Switzerland 


Roberto Battiti, University of Trento, Italy 
Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net 
Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA 
Enrico Gregori, CNR of Pisa, Italy 
Gerald Q. Maguire Jr., KTH, Sweden 
Ioannis Stavrakakis, University of Athens, Greece

Raffaele Bruno, Ph.D., Researcher
Pervasive Computing & Networking Lab. (PerLab)

IIT Institute - Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, ITALY
Tel.: +39 050 315 3078 (direct) 
Fax.: +39 050 315 2593 (institute)
Email: raffaele.bruno@iit.cnr.it