Computer Communications Special Issue: 

Monitoring and Measurements of IP Networks


Guest Editors:

Raouf Boutaba (, University of Waterloo, Canada Ehab Al-Shaer (, DePaul University, USA

Kevin Almeroth (, UC-Santa Barbara, USA


Important Dates:

Deadline for submissions: September 1 2004

Notification of acceptance: February 2005

Final papers due: April 2005

Publication:  Summer 2005


The measurement of IP network performance has been the subject of a

significant amount of recent research. The ultimate goal is to

provide Internet service providers, as well as end-users, sufficient

understanding of end-to-end network performance characteristics,

routing behavior and network anomalies. This understanding is

important for developing new network models, protocols, and resource

optimization required to assure an acceptable quality of service.

However, the ever changing traffic mix in the Internet, the appearance

of peer-to-peer applications, and the increasing demand for mobility

represent new challenges for IP performance management. Performance

measurement involves a number of steps including monitoring, sampling,

filtering, and analyzing data on-line/off-line and from many

local/remote points. 


This special issue is seeking original and unpublished contributions

addressing issues related to IP performance monitoring and analysis

for enterprise networks and the Internet. Of particular interest are

novel monitoring and measurement techniques that improve the

state-of-the-art in data collection; experiments that collect,

analyze, and make available data for use by other researchers; and

analysis of data collected from local or wide area networks that give

insights into Internet behavior. Examples of selected topics include

but are not limited to:


. IP measurements and monitoring

 . Measurement methods, tools and infrastructures

. Measuring voice and video performance over IP

 . Traffic engineering and measurement of traffic matrices

. Workload characterization and traffic analysis

 . Web, peer-to-peer and overlay networks measurements

. Active and passive measurement techniques

 . Design of monitoring systems

. Path measurements and filtering

 . Measurements of mobility and grid services

. Sampling and filtering techniques

. Network/Internet topology discovery

 . SLA and Quality of Service monitoring

. Network security attack analysis

 . Experimental test beds and results

. Reassessment of previous measurement findings



Guidelines on formatting the paper are given at Authors are invited to

submit full original papers in electronic form (PDF or postscript)

to one of the guest editors.



Ehab Al-Shaer, PhD

Associate Professor,

School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems

DePaul University, Chicago, IL