Dear all,

Given this agreement (enforcing the Springer DL), does it still make sense to address the following point raised at the last TC6 meeting :

11. Relations with IEEE and other organisations
There were discussions of digital libraries in relation to the IEEE and the European Commission. Augusto Casaca and André Danthine suggested that there may be funding available from IFIP and/or UNESCO. Augusto Casaca also commented that a digital library would be much cheaper if it were not retrospective.
A task force was proposed to look into this. Volunteers included André Danthine, Dominique Gaiti, Günter Haring, Arun Iyengar, Guy Leduc, Dipak Khakhar, and Guy Pujolle
Action Point (AP62/07): The digital library task force: to decide who should act as chairman of the task force and to start work.

Best regards,

PS: Do we have the final version of the minutes, taking corrections into account ?

At 13:20 +0200 12/08/04, Otto Spaniol wrote:
Dear all,

please find enclosed the publications agreement between
IFIP and "Springer Science + Business media" together with
the bulk price list.

Leon Straus (the responsible from 's side wrote to the TC chairmen:
You can distribute this version (including the price lists) to your working
group chairs for information. Please ask them to treat this in an
appropriate way, I don´t think it is wise if our contract is floating
around on the web or elsewhere (nb: this is my personal opinion and
Thus, I ask you to treat the contract information "in an appropriate way".

Best wishes
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:FINAL IFIP AGREEMENT#102E19.pdf (PDF /CARO) (00102E19)
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:BULKPRICES-2005-euros.pdf (PDF /CARO) (00102E1A)
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Prof. Guy Leduc                             Phone : +32 4 366 26 98      
Université de Liège                         Secr :  +32 4 366 26 91
Réseaux Informatiques                       Fax :   +32 4 366 29 89
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EECS Department, Institut Montefiore, B 28, B-4000 LIEGE 1, BELGIUM