-----Original Message-----
From: Leila Haji Rajabi [mailto:l.rajabi@itrc.ac.ir]
Sent: sábado, 1 de Fevereiro de 2003 16:15
To: Augusto.Casaca@inesc.pt
Subject: Extention of IST2003 deadline


Dear Prof. A. Casaca

Technical Committee Member of IST2003,


This is to inform you that the deadline for submission of paper abstracts to the Conference has now been extended by one month to March 1, 2003 in order to provide more time for potential contributors to the event please note that this extension applies only to the first deadline with all others remaining unaffected. The notification is also being highlighted in the IST website to reflect the new deadline.

I would very much appreciate it if you could acknowledge the receipt of this mail.


Best regards,

Mahmoud Kamarei

Head, Technical Committee