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Call For Papers:  Workshop on emerging services delivery platforms and software models for Next Generation Network Services (http://www.softplatforms.org)

This workshop will be held in conjunction with the FIRST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE (COMSWARE 2006) at New Delhi, India (http://www.comsware.org/) from Jan 8-12 2006.


The exact date of the workshop will be made available on the workshop's Web site http://www.softplatforms.org.


Workshop Objectives:

The next generation services networks deliver enhanced business capabilities such as data, video, messaging and business functions for wired and wireless consumers. These new sets of services enhance the business opportunities by integrating with core business services, including: supply chain management, customer management, and consumer applications. This workshop aims to discuss topics related to emerging next generation services and service delivery platforms to host/support such complex application environments.


The workshop focuses on:

* How next generation service delivery platforms deliver enhanced QoS management, operational efficiencies, flexible services composability, faster time-to-market, efficient trust models and flexible pricing models.

* Technical and business factors influencing the services composability and network services delivery environments. The associated revenue and cost models for consumers, suppliers and application providers.

* The influences of emerging distributed computing architecture styles (loosely-coupled, asynchronous, compos able, collaborative, decentralized and parallel services) related to service delivery models.

* Emerging middleware platforms for network services, service composability, distributed architecture models and programming models.

* New services models (communication services, presence-enabled services, content/media services and enterprise/legacy services) and value creation environments that represents new business opportunities for operators and providers.


This workshop invites papers from research and business communities on the different aspects of service delivery platforms and emerging services models. The workshop will include papers that examine interesting practical problems, case studies, best practices, middleware platforms and innovative messaging architectures.


Submission Guidelines:

All papers are limited to 5 pages and must be in standard IEEE double-column format. All submissions must be sent by email to the workshops co-chairs with the e-mail addresses given above.


Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: October 21, 2005

Notification of Acceptance: November 11, 2005

Camera-Ready Papers: December 4, 2005


Contact and organization:

For any questions regarding the workshop feel free to contact

1. Craig Fellenstein, IBM (cfellen@us.ibm.com)

2. Joshy Joseph, Microsoft (jojoseph@microsoft.com)


Submission requirements:

All papers are limited to 5 pages and must be in standard IEEE double-column format. All submissions must be sent by email to the workshops co-chairs.