Dear IFIP TC6 members,
The Annals of Telecommunications is ranked 46 in the Journal Citation Report. This is an indexed Journal by ISI. This Journal is 60 years old and was one of the best Journal in Telecommunications for a long time but when French was a strong language. Now the Journal is in English (except very few papers in French). One of the objective of this Journal is to definitely come back on the international scene and for that the Journal would like a support from IFIP TC6. I think this Journal is not in competition with the potential IFIP TC6 Journal but complementary (say would like to be like IEEE Com Mag in comparison with some IEEE Transactions). Moreover, the same editor could be envisaged with the IFIP TC6 Journal but this is another story.
This message is to invite some members of the TC6 to become guest editor for a special issue on any subject of interest within the TC6.
Let me know if some are interested in and on what subject. The special issue would appear in the second part of 2007 (all the issues are now full until this date).
Best regards,
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of The Annals of Telecommunications
Guy Pujolle
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
8 rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France
Assistante: Laetitia Jacquey,
tel: +33 1 44 27 87 74 fax +33 1 44 27 87 83