

With apologies for multiple postings/Please forward to interested colleagues







First Workshop on Location Based Services for Health Care



part of the Pervasive Healthcare Conference 2006


Innsbruck, Austria

28th November, 2006





Location is an important contextual dimension for ubiquitous computing, and it is central to the development of many ubiquitous systems.


The problem of location in opened places is well addressed by Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies, while inference of places from locations is an opened issue with various interesting approaches being developed. Indoor location is also a demanding problem and various approaches are being studied nowadays.


Development of solutions for these issues, showing good precision, accuracy, and adequacy is of central interest for Location Based Services (LBS). The area of Health Care is a main target for progress in this area. This workshop will bring an exciting environment for discussion and presentation of late breaking developments on all these subjects with emphasis on Health Care applications. It will comprise the presentations and discussion of scientific papers, a keynote speech, and a panel session.



Original contributions are solicited in all areas related to LBS and Healthcare, including but not limited to:

    *    Technologies and infrastructures for location.

    *    Inference of place from position.

    *    Design, implementation and evaluation of location based services.

    *    Location based services for Health Care scenarios

    *    Privacy, security and trust issues.





Ten to fifteen participants will be invited based on a position paper submitted prior to the workshop. Each position paper should be two to five pages in length and consist of the author's current research on location systems and/or location based services for healthcare.


Paper submissions should attach a short text on author's current research activities, expectations towards the workshop, and a short bio.

Position papers should follow IEEE's conference style two-column format including figures and references.


CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT TOOL: http://cocus.create-net.it:8080/confsys


Important Dates


Papers due:                    July 21, 2006

Notification of Acceptance:    August 25, 2006

Camera-ready Manuscripts due:  September 14, 2006

Workshop Date:                 November 28, 2006






The workshop is part of the Pervasive Healthcare Conference 2006, the website for which is here: http://www.pervasivehealth.org/





Carlos Bento (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

[bento [at] dei.uc.pt]

Francisco C. Pereira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

[camara [at] dei.uc.pt]

Jorge Miranda Dias (Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, ISR, Portugal)

[jorge [at] isr.uc.pt]





Aaron Quigley, (UCD, Ireland)

Anthony LaMarca (Intel Research, Seattle, USA)

Axel Kueper (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany)

Bill Karakostas (City University London, UK)

Christian Becker (IPDS, University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Christos Panayiotou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)

Jadwiga Indulska, (University of Queensland, Australia)

Jeffrey Hightower (Intel Research, Seattle, USA)

John Flannagan (Nokia Research, Finland)

Paulo Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)

Rui José (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

