
The workshop on "GMPLS Performance Evaluation: Control Plane Resilience" is co-located with IEEE ICC 2007 and is taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, on 24 June 2007.  The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum in which researchers and developers from industry and academia can present results and exchange ideas regarding the performance of the GMPLS control plane, with an emphasis on control plane resilience.  The workshop will consist of invited talks from leading experts and technical paper presentations.

We're currently soliciting papers for this workshop; the submission deadline is 24 March 2007.  The workshop solicits original contributions in areas including but not restricted to:
Control plane fault detection and identification
Graceful restart of control plane protocols
+ Maximising efficacy of degraded control plane
+ Increasing control plane redundancy
+ Inter-protocol interactions
+ Control plane/data plane synchronisation
+ Control plane/management plane interactions
+ Handling multiple failures
+ Control channel management
+ Control plane security   

The workshop website is at: and the call for papers is attached.

Workshop Chairs
Olufemi Komolafe & Joe Sventek
University of Glasgow, UK

Invited Speakers
Adrian Farrel, Old Dog Consulting, UK
Ulrich Häbel, Siemens, Germany
Jennifer Yates, AT&T, USA (Tentative)

Technical Program Committee
Saleem Bhatti, University of St Andrews, UK
Stewart Bryant, Cisco, UK
Diego Caviglia, Marconi, Italy
Jaume Comellas, UPC, Spain
Maurice Gagnaire, ENST, France
Nasir Ghani, Tennessee Tech University, USA
David Hunter, University of Essex, UK
Thomas Ndousse, Dept. of Energy, USA
Javier Gonzalez Ordas, Telefonica, Spain
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel, Belgium
Nageswara Rao, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Dominic Schupke, Siemens, Germany
Malathi Veeraraghavan, University of Virginia, USA 

Key Dates
Submission Deadline: 24 March 2007
Notification of Acceptance: 14 April 2007
Camera-Ready Copy Deadline: 4 May 2007
Workshop Date: 24 June 2007

Olufemi Komolafe