Dear Colleges

I plan to attend the TC 6 meeting.

Best regards from Finn arve...

(However ....I am reacting based on the observed messages from Samir, Saito and  Harry. It seems as vital info is not reaching me related to this meeting. I also have sent questions based on observed mails from Andre about Visa and I also sent requests for help with hotel reservations  --  but NO response. I am suspecting our SPAM filter which is rather vigorous at the moment. If you have sent answers to me Naamany, can you please send again via Otto.)


At 09:29 20/9/2003 +0200, Samir Tohme wrote:
Dear collegues

I am sorry, I will not be able to attend to our next
TC6 meeting in Oman. I wish you a very good meeting.

With my best regards.


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