Subject: ICESS 2007: Call for Papers [Deadline Extended: Jan. 31, 2007]
ICESS 2007: Call for Papers [Deadline Extended: Jan. 31, 2007]
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)
                             CALL FOR PAPERS
The 2007 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems
                            14-16 May, 2007             
                           Daegu, South Korea

After two successful ICESS forums, the third International Conference on
Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2007) will be held in Daegu, S. Korea.
The main goal of the conference is to advance the embedded software and
system research, development, and design competence, to enhance
international communication and collaboration, and to promote embedded
software and system industrialization and wide applications. For more
details of the conference, please visit the website at http://www.icess2007.
Scope and Interests
The Conference invites papers on all aspects of embedded software and
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Novel architecture for embedded systems
Customizable embedded processors & system/network-on-chip   
Reconfigurable embedded systems    
Application-specific embedded system architecture   
Hardware/software co-design    
Real-time systems   
Specification and formal methods for embedded software   
Embedded component and reusing technology  
Embedded software and middleware architecture
Development methodology for embedded systems   
Verification & testing techniques for embedded systems Power-aware computing
Wireless communications and ad hoc networks  
Pervasive computing and sensor networks Security and privacy issues of
trusted embedded systems Dependability and fault tolerance of embedded
systems Embedded software & systems for mobile computing
Multimedia and HCI for embedded systems  
Embedded Applications
Emerging research issues in embedded systems.

Submission Information
All manuscripts should be submitted to in
pdf format no longer than 15 pages (no style and layout restriction) and
with 5 up to 10 keywords. For more details, please visit the conference
website at

Important Deadlines
Submission deadline:                      January 31, 2007 (a firm deadline)
Notification of acceptance:               March 01, 2007
Camera-ready paper due:               March 17, 2007
Proceedings and Special Issue
The proceedings will be published by Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS). Selected papers will be included in a special issue either
on Journal of Embedded Computing (JEC) of IOS Press, the Netherlands or
International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES) of Inderscience, UK.
General Chairs
Kyu-Suk Chung, President of IEMEK and DGIST, Korea Peter Marwedel,
University of Dortmund and ICD, Germany
Program Chairs
Yann-Hang Lee, Arizona State University, USA Heung Nam Kim, ETRI, Korea
Steering Chairs
Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Program Vice-chairs
Real-time Systems
Zonghua Gu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Embedded Hardware
Kenneth Ricks, The University of Alabama, USA
Embedded Software
Chanik Park, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
Embedded Architecture
Byoungchul Ahn, YeungNam University, Korea
Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing and Sensor Networks Seong-dong Kim, ETRI,
HW-SW Co-design and SoC
Karam Chatha, Arizona State University, USA
Wireless Communications
Mohamed Younis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Power-aware Computing
Christian W. Probst, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Testing and Verification
Farn Wong, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Security and Dependability
Liudong Xing University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth, USA
Multimedia and HCI
Sangwook Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea
Publicity Chairs
Young Jin Nam, Daegu University, Korea
Wei Zhang, Southern Illinois University, USA Yu Hua, HuaZhong University of
Science and Technology, China Yongxin Zhu, Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Finance Chair
Yongwan Park, Yeungnam University, Korea
Local Arrangement Chair
Dong Ha Lee, DGIST, Korea
Organization Chair
Jong Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
Program Commitee Members
see the web site:

Insoon Kim
Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea
TEL : +82-53-801-1475
FAX : +82-53-801-1476
Mobile: +82-11-9353-1383