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Second Annual International Conference on Broadband Networks


Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium

October 3 - 7, 2005

Boston, Massachusetts, USA



Submission Deadline Extended: February 25, 2005






BroadNets 2005 is an international conference focusing on broadband networking and covers the entire gamut of next generation networks

with high bandwidth available for both wireless and wireline networks. The conference will consist of the following three symposia:


** Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium: covers mobility, routing for multihop, multimedia QoS and traffic management, cross-layer  optimization, MAC and emerging physical layer technologies (UWB, MIMO) for high-speed wireless networking.


** Broadband Optical Networking Symposium: covers WDM technologies, Ethernet and MPLS integration into the optical layer, Next-   Generation SONET/SDH, as well as SAN extensions over DWDM/SONET/SDH.


** Broadband Applications/Services Symposium: covers middleware and service architectures for broadband applications, pervasive computing and ubiquitous communications, and universal broadband access for information services.


BroadNets 2005 will thus offer a unique forum for researchers from academia, government and industry to share ideas and disseminate new

results in these important areas.


This Call for Papers describes the details for the Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium ONLY. (Refer to the www.broadnets.org website

for the details of Broadband Optical Symposium and Broadband Applications/Services Symposium.)  We are soliciting full papers in all research, development, and deployment areas on broadband wireless networking. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following:


- 3G/4G Systems

- Fixed Broadband Wireless Access

- Wireless Local Area Networks

- Wireless Indoor & Home Networks

- Wireless Mesh Networks

- Wireless Sensor Networks

- Ultra Wideband (UWB) Networks

- Ad-hoc Networks

- Wireless Personal Area Networks

- Free-Space Optics

- Internetworking Heterogeneous Wireless/Wireline Networks

- Network Topology Management

- Unicast and Multicast Routing

- Resource Management

- Neighbour Discovery

- MAC Protocol Design and Analysis including IEEE 802.11/15/16

- Software-Defined Radio

- Space-Time Processing, MIMO Systems

- Joint Physical/MAC Design

- Smart (directional) Antennas

- Power Control

- Mobility, Location and Handoff Management

- Routing in Multihop, Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks

- Multimedia QoS and Traffic Management

- Security Techniques and Systems


Conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society.


A set of selected papers from the symposium will be published in a special issue of ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks (MONET) Journal.





Submission Deadline (Extended):     February 25, 2005

Acceptance Notification:        May 15, 2005

Final Manuscript Due:           June 1, 2005





Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 10 pages in IEEE conference proceedings format.  Papers should be submitted in PDF

format to the respective symposium through the EDAS system at http://edas.info/Conference.cgi.






General Chair:

Dr. Arun Somani, Iowa State University, arun@iastate.edu


General Vice Chair:

Dr. Thomas Hou, Virginia Tech, thou@vt.edu


Technical Program Chair- Wireless Networking Symposium:

Dr. Sherman Shen, Univ. of Waterloo, xshen@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca


Technical Program Chairs - Optical Networking Symposium

Dr. David Griffith, NIST, david.griffith@nist.gov

Dr. Srini Ramasubramanian, Univ. of Arizona, srini@ece.arizona.edu


Technical Program Chairs - Services and Applications Symposium

Dr. Malathi Veeraraghavan, Univ. of Virginia, mv@cs.virginia.edu

Dr. Admela Jukan, Georgia Tech, admela.jukan@ece.gatech.edu


Workshops Chairs:

Dr. Wendi Heinzelman, University of Rochester, wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu

Dr. Byrav Ramamurthy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, byrav@cse.unl.edu

Dr. Behcet Sarikaya, University of Northern British Columbia,



Tutorials Chair:

Dr. Steven Low, CalTech., slow@caltech.edu


Panels Chairs:

Dr. Surendar Chandra, Univ. of Notre Dame, surendar@cse.nd.edu

Dr. Rudra Dutta, NCSU, dutta@csc.ncsu.edu


Publicity Chairs:

Dr. Bhaskar Krishnamachari, USC, bkrishna@usc.edu

Dr. Takeo Hamada, Fujitsu Labs of America, thamada@fla.fujitsu.com


Website/Information Systems Chair:

Dr. Shiwen Mao, Virginia Tech, smao@vt.edu


Local Arrangements Chairs:

Dr. Aura Ganz, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, ganz@ecs.umass.edu

Dr. Ling Li, CIENA, linlisu@hotmail.com


Publications Chairs:

Dr. Ahmed Kamal, Iowa State University, kamal@iastate.edu

Dr. Hui Zang, Sprint Adv. Tech. Labs, hzang@sprintlabs.com


Exhibits and Sponsorships Chair:

Dr. Sai Shankar N, Philips Research USA, sai.shankar@philips.com


Finance Chair:

Karen Decker, ICST, karen@icst.org


Steering Committee Co-Chairs:

Dr. Imrich Chlamtac, UT Dallas, chlamtac@utdallas.edu

Dr. Krishna Sivalingam, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County,


