Dear All - Because of a science and technology board meeting on 26th Sep and then review meetings on the 28th and 29th of Sep, I cannot make it to the conference and meetings in Paris -- Concerning 2008, I confirm that we can organise the TC6 conference in London, probably at Imperial College. Hotel prices would range (including breakfast) between 100 and 150 Euros per night in walking distance of the College - We would plan on keeping the registration fees low (no more than 400 Euros) and proceedings would be published according to whatever rules TC6 uses - The conference would include a reception and a dinner. We would also seek industry sponsorship in order to offer free or reduced registration to graduate students and to attract invited speakers. Best wishes, Erol

From: Otto Spaniol []
Sent: Thu 31/08/2006 07:57
To: Guy Pujolle;;;;;;; Gelenbe, Erol;
Subject: TC6 meeting dates

Dear all:

Guy Pujolle wrote:

>All the hotels are located in the center of Paris and are close to the
>metro line 10 that serves either Rue des Ecoles (metro Odeon) for the
>AN'06 conference, or the TC6 meeting place (metro La Motte Piquet Grenelle):
>Room Gerard Noguez, 7th floor
>8 rue du Capitaine Scott
>75015 Paris
>(Access : )
>For Otto Spaniol: Due to the paralelism between the AN'2006 conference
>and the working group meeting, is it possible to consider to begin the
>meeting on Friday 2:00pm and finish the meeting by Saturday end of the
>afternoon? This will permit to participate in the morning session of Friday?
>The TC6 dinner will be Friday evening. As the ticket price is much
>better when spending a saturday night, this should be possible.

Significant date changes cannot be made any more since several delegates
informed me that they have already made their flight booking which requires
that they leave Saturday early afternoon (the Saturday/Sunday night rule
doesnot apply for budget airlines which become more and more numerous).

Of course I see the point with the Friday morning session.

My proposal is that we start indeed Friday, Sept. 29, 2006, 2 p.m. (but
please not later
than that - including the transportation from "Rue des Ecoles" to
"Capitaine Scott"!).

We will have to work very constructively, i.e. to condense everything of major
importance towards Friday afternoon + Saturday morning.
The meeting will end Saturday, 4.30 p.m., at the very latest.
All agenda points which require a voting (new TC6 officers, location of
important conferences and meetings,...) will be concentrated on
Friday afternoon.

In particular, I invite the following persons to give a presentation
on Friday afternoon (and if possible to assist also on Saturday):

- Erol Gelenbe (London) and Francis Lee (Singapore) for bids concerning
Networking 2008
- Pedro Cuenca (Spain) and Jozef Wozniak (Gdansk) for WG 6.8 chairmanship
  (Jozef Wozniak cannot be present since he is on leave for a sabbatical
in New Zealand
  but he promised to submit some thoughts electronically)
- Josef Sole Pareta (Spain) and Ioannis Tomkos (Greece) for WG 6.8
- Georg Carle (proposed new WG 6.2 chairman) for official nomination
  and for presenting his new ideas for the WG
- maybe others who were discussed for possible WG chairpositions (Mario
  but those invitations must be done by the respective proposers.

Please comment on that and inform me + Guy Pujolle about your participation.
See below.

Best regards


IFIP TC6 meeting 2006/2 in Paris (France), September 29+30, 2006


O    I will attend meeting 2006/2
     O  On Friday afternoon
     O  On Saturday morning
     O  On Saturday afternoon

O    Sorry, I cannot attend

Please treat the following topic: ___

on Friday afternoon / Saturday morning / Saturday afternoon