SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL APRIL 28 Latin America Networking Conference 2002 Toward the Internet Next Generation IFIP - TC6 and ACM _ SIGCOMM Santa Fe, Argentina Facultad Regional de Santa Fe, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional September 9 - 11, 2002 Sponsored by IFIP TC6 and ACM SIGCOMM Organized by SADIO, Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa Organizing Committee Carlos Giorgetti, U. Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe (AR) Javier Ouret, Pontificia U. Católica Argentina (AR) Programme committee chair Ramon Puigjaner, U. de les Illes Balears (ES) Programme committee members Benjamín Barán, U. Nacional de Asunción (PY) Abdelmalek Benzekri, U. Paul Sabatier (FR) Raouf Boutaba, U. Waterloo (CA) Augusto Casaca, INESC (PT) Lyman Chapin, Nexthop (US) Patricia Corbo, UORT (UY) Javier Díaz, U. Nacional de La Plata (AR) Christophe Diot, Sprint (US) Yesid Donoso, U. del Norte (CO) Julio Escobar, Centauri Consultoría Tecnológica (PA) Günter Haring, Wien U. (AT) Germinal Isern, U. Central de Venezuela (VE) Farouk Kamoun, ENSI (TU) Koos Koen, U. Wittwatersrand (ZA) Dipak Khakhar, Lund U. (SE) Jacques Labetoulle, IAAI (FR) Jose Neuman de Sousa, U. Federal de Ceara (BR) Luis Olsina, U. Nacional de La Pampa (AR) Craig Partirdge, BBN (US) José M. Piquer, U. de Chile (CL) Guy Pujolle, LIP6 (FR) Daniela Rosu, IBM (US) Bartomeu Serra, U. de les Illes Balears (ES) Otto Spaniol, RWTH (DE) Yutaka Takahashi, Kyoto U. (JP) Liane Tarouco, U. Federal de Rio Grande do Sur (BR) Publicity Committee Chair Bartomeu Serra, U. de les Illes Balears (ES) Latin America Networking 2002 Conference Latin America Networking 2002 Conference will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia from everywhere in the world but especially from the Latin America countries to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in networking mainly oriented to solve the Latin America networking problems. Topics They include but are not restricted to: - Access Networks - Active Networks - Control and Optimisation of Communication Systems - High Performance Networking and Protocols - Internet Services and Applications - Intelligent Networks - Internet/Intranet - LAN, WAN Global Network Interconnection - Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication Systems - Multicast - Network Design Problems in Gigabit - Network Operations and Management - Network Reliability, Availability and Survivability - Networks for Sparse Populations - Object Orientation - Optical Communications - Performance Evaluation of Telecommunication Systems - Photonic Networks - Quality of Service - Routing Design - Satellite and Space Communications - Service Provider Interworking - Services for Sparse Populations - Signalling - Switching and Routing - Switching Design - Tariffying - Terabit Networks - Terrestrial Radio Systems - Traffic and Congestion Control - Traffic Models and Measurements - Video Coding and Distribution - Wireless Networks - Wireless and Mobile Communications Papers should cover not only general network solutions but also solutions oriented to the specific network problems of this region of the world. KEY DATES * April 28, 2002 Deadline for submitting tutorial proposals * April 28, 2002 Deadline for submitting papers * June 15, 2002 Notification of acceptance of papers * July 15, 2002 Papers received in camera ready form * September 7-8, 2002 Tutorials * September 9-11, 2002 Latin American Networking 2002 Conference SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Paper can be submitted by email to or upload electronically to the web site of the conference: Papers are invited on the conference theme and related topics. Authors must state that their paper have neither been published before nor currently being submitted elsewhere. Full papers should: - be no longer than 15 single spaced pages, including tables, diagrams and pictures using a font size of 12 points or larger, or - follow the styles shown at the conference URL: The first page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, name and affiliation of author(s) as well as the lead author's postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and will be distributed to the attendees at the conference. The language of the conference is English and papers must be in this language. TUTORIALS We solicit proposals for half/full day tutorial courses outlining the subject area, describing level, goal and orientation and a short biography of the speaker(s). Proposals should be submitted by email to the chairman of the Programme Committee Ramon Puigjamer Email: MINI CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL SESSIONS. Proposals should be sent to the chairman of the Program Committee ( with indication of the aims, scope, and call for papers of the event and a short CV of the organizer(s) before March 1, 2002. Specific call for papers will be provided. Till now two special sessions have been suggested: - Poster session for student works coming from Latin American Universities - On-going networking research session