Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,

We are pleased to inform you that the
Thirteenth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2005)
will be held in the University of Pasau, Germany, on June 21-23, 2005

Call for papers

IWQoS has emerged as the prime annual event on Quality-of-Service (QoS)-related research and technologies. Building on the successes of previous workshops, the objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners working in this area to discuss recent and innovative results, and identify future directions and challenges. IWQoS has a long standing tradition of being highly interactive while maintaining highest standards of competitiveness and excellence. This characteristic will be re-emphasized by intercepting the regular paper sessions with stimulating discussion events about controversial and cutting edge topics. The program will include the following highlights:
The panel and the short paper sessions will be highly interactive and leave much time and space for the audience to get involved. The position and short papers will go through the general reviewing process but the papers must specifically be submitted to fit the track. Short versions of regular technical papers will not be accepted here. It is rather encouraged to submit work that is either stimulating with a long term vision or that points to immediate relevance with need for controversial debate to address the foremost experts at the venue.

Technical Program

Quality of Service principles can be applied to a large number of domains. Our goal is to broaden the areas that QoS research can be pulled from by recognizing the multi-disciplinary aspect to much of the research. In addition to the traditional areas, the call for papers does solicit, but is not limited to, papers in such areas as:

IWQoS aims to allow rapid dissemination of research results and to provide fast turnaround. The deadline for papers is therefore as close to the conference as the publishers allow. The workshop is a single-track forum spanning two and a half days. It values both theoretical contributions and practical experience.

Web Site:

Best Student Paper Award

Award will be given at the conference to the best student paper, whose first author is a current student.

Paper Submission

IWQoS invites submission of manuscripts that present original research results, and that have not been previously published or currently under review by another conference or journal. Any previous or simultaneous publication of related material should be explicitly noted in the submission. Submissions should be full-length papers that are no longer than 20 double-spaced single-column pages with font sizes of 11 or larger, including all figures and references, and must include an abstract of 100 -- 150 words. All papers must be submitted in either Postscript or the Adobe PDF format, and no other formats are accepted by the paper submission web site. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must present the paper at IWQoS 2004. The paper submission can be done here.

Short Position Papers for Industry Session and Works in Progress

We solicit submissions of short papers for the two sessions outlined above. The short papers are limited to three single-spaced pages. Accepted papers will be presented in a 15-minute time period, and will be included in the conference proceedings.

Important Dates:

Organizational Objectives

Among strong industrial and academic support the 13th IWQoS is supported by the three organizing institutions:
The University of Passau will host the all conference activities; it provides excellent conference support for up to 1,000 participants. Features of university support include:

Program Chairs:

Hermann De Meer
University of Passau
Passau, Germany

Nina Bhatti
Hewlett Packard Laboratories
Palo Alto, California USA