Dear Otto,

I share with you this point and I will try my best
to attend Santiago's TC6 meeting and help to
organise this "one day developing country problems".

Best regards,


On 5/23/06, Otto Spaniol <> wrote:
Dear Jose,

first thank you very much for your constructive comments.
We understand very well that you can only attend part
of our meetings. In Santiago we will have at least a
one day "developing country problems" meeting on Friday, August 25.
I hope that you can attend + even organise that meeting.

Prof. José Neuman de Souza, Dr.
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
Departamento de Computação - DC
Campus do Pici, Bloco 910
60455-760 - Fortaleza - Ceará
Fone : 0xx 85 4008-9847/R-204
IFIP/TC6 National Delegate
VoIP number : 0xx 85 4008-9360 - R:10900010