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Below are some of our recent headlines:


* Researchers explore whether parrot has concept of zero:
Scientists are investigating whether a bird hit on a concept that mathematicians failed to grasp for centuries.

* Scientists blast hole in comet:
A projectile slammed into comet Tempel 1 with a huge blast, in the crowning moment of a mission designed to learn more about the object's structure.

* Studies back tale that banished children founded tribe:
Banished children survived in a southeast Asian jungle, it is said, to found the area's only hunter-gatherer tribe. New genetic and linguistic evidence supports key elements of the story.

* Genes behind transsexualism possibly found:
Some men are convinced they are women trapped in male bodies. Researchers say genes may be to blame.

* Giant telescope could eavesdrop on alien TV:
An enormous new telescope should be able to pick up TV and radar signals from far-off worlds, scientists say.

* Is the universe revealing its shape?
New evidence suggests the shape may be a strange form of dodecahedron, a 12-sided object.

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