Dear Augusto,

I plan to attend the next TC6 meeting in Coimbra so I need a personal invitation letter
for administrative reasons. Please send it by fax to :
+55 85 3287-4314 or +55 85 4008-9837.

Thanks in advance.


On 3/24/06, Augusto Casaca <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


The first meeting of TC6 in 2006 will take place in Coimbra, Portugal on May 19th and 20th. You are kindly invited to attend this meeting.


The meeting follows the Networking Conference, which takes also place in Coimbra starting on May 15 th. I have already agreed with Otto Spaniol that the TC6 meeting will start on Friday (May 19th) in the morning and will end on Saturday (May 20th) by lunch time. Therefore, all the planning is done assuming this time allocation. On Friday evening there will be the TC6 dinner in a place still to be defined and on Saturday afternoon you are invited for a small excursion in Coimbra and its surroundings.


In attach you can find a document containing information about Coimbra, the two available hotels and the excursion. It is urgent that you choose the hotel and book it following the indications given in the document. We advise you to do it until April 8th as the block booking is only accepted until that date. You do not need to worry with transportation to the meeting place in the University, as the local organization will provide it. Concerning the two hotels, I can inform that Hotel Astoria is near the old part of town but has only three stars although it is a renovated hotel. Hotel Melia is a more modern hotel with four stars but is not in the old town.  


Later on we will provide more information about the meeting and the meeting agenda will be directly sent by Otto.


Looking forward to seeing all of you in Portugal


Best regards


Augusto Casaca

ifip-tc6 mailing list

Prof. José Neuman de Souza, Dr.
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
Departamento de Computação - DC
Campus do Pici, Bloco 910
60455-760 - Fortaleza - Ceará
Fone : 0xx 85 4008-9847/R-204
IFIP/TC6 National Delegate
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