Please find included the call for papers to the sixth International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Government (I3E 2006)

to take place in Turku, Finland  11.-13.10.2006.

The conference will be organized in two parallel tracks: research track and industrial and administration track.

For the research track, submissions should describe original research work not submitted or published elsewhere.

For the industrial and administration track, submissions should describe innovative products or good practices in the areas of conference interests.

The deadline for submissions is 30.4.2006. The submission system is already open.

For closer details, take look at the conference www-site

Please feel free to circulate this call for papers further to potential contributors.

Welcome all to Turku next autumn!

<<I3E 2006 call for papers.pdf>>
Reima Suomi
Reima Suomi

I3E 2006 Conference Chair
Professor of Information Systems Science
Turku School of Economics and Business Administration
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3
FIN-20520 TURKU Finland
Telephone  +358 2 481 4409
Fax +358 2 481 4451
Mobile +358 50 410 2282