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                 10th IEEE/IFIP
Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2006)


                 Call for Papers

           “Management of Integrated
     End-to-end Communications and Services"

The 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management
Symposium (NOMS 2006) will be held 3-7 April 2006 in
the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Center, Vancouver,
Canada. Held in even-numbered years since 1988, NOMS 2006
will follow the 18 year tradition of NOMS and IM as the
primary forum for technical exchange of the research,
standards, development, systems integration, service
provider, and user communities. NOMS 2006 will present
up-to-date approaches and technical solutions for
integrated systems and services including communication
networks, host systems, enterprise applications, service
oriented architectures, and delivery of management services.
The conference provides a peer-reviewed program of technical
sessions, application sessions, tutorials, posters,

application sessions, and panels as well as vendor exhibits.

Integrated systems and services require considerations for
today’s multi-service and multi-domain environment of
heterogeneous technologies, service offerings, management
strategies, and business models. NOMS 2006 focuses on
integrated management that encompasses provisioning,
operation, and maintenance. This broad scope also calls
for an integrated approach to dependability, resilience,
quality-of-service, mobility management, and services
billing. In particular, these considerations include the
combination of wireless and wired networks and the
integration of all-IP communication systems.

NOMS 2006 will offer five types of sessions:
technical, application, poster, panel, and BoF. Technical
sessions present high-quality papers on the latest
research results in the network operations and management
area. Application sessions present papers focusing on the
experience of IT and telecommunications industries, such
as service providers, OSS vendors, and equipment
manufacturers. The scope here includes customer
requirements, management system implementations, and
business practices. Poster sessions provide an insight
into work-in-progress. Panel sessions focus on business
implications, market trends, and emerging applications
with panelists who are technology and business leaders.

Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers
that are not under review in any other conference or
journal in the following, or related topic areas:

Management Paradigms, Models and Architectures
* Self-managing networks (self-healing, self-optimizing,
self-protecting and self-configuring)
* Integrated control and management
* Distributed and scalable management
* Policy and role based management
* Programmable, active, and adaptive mgmt
* Resilience and survivability
* "Plug-n-Play" component-based management
* Customer controlled and managed networks
* Proactive and reactive management

Operation and Management Functions
* Security management
* Mobility management
* End-to-end measurements
* Network and systems monitoring
* Alarm correlation and filtering
* Customer care and workforce management
* Process engineering for operators' service and
network management
* Performance and fault management
* Configuration and accounting management
* Integration and testing of commercial off-the-shelf
* Content hosting and delivery
* Path Protection and Restoration
* Internet service pricing, Bandwidth trading
, Service
Engineering and Operational Challenges
* Next generation operation support systems
* Service design and quality assurance
* Resource inventory, planning, and allocation
* Service discovery and service negotiation
* SLAs and business process management
* Quality-of-Service management
* Service portability/mobility (VHE)
* Transaction-oriented services and supply chain
* "Soft" networks (Soft-switch, Parlay, 3GPP OSA, JAIN)
and service switching
* Dynamic service requirements analysis
* Charging and accounting of integrated systems
and services

Theories, Models, and Enabling Management Technologies
* Theory (control, optimization, economic, games, chaos,
graph) for management
* Grid, middleware and peer-to-peer technologies
* Information models and Internet technologies
(Web, XML, DEN, CIM)
* AI techniques (knowledge-based, intelligent agents,
machine learning, neural networks,)
* Data warehousing, ontology, mining and statistical
methods in management
* User interfaces and virtual reality in management
Management of Emerging Networks and Services
* Converged networks and services
* Peer-to-peer and community networks
* Grids, grid services, and grid applications
* Ad hoc and self-configurable networks
* Multi-sensor and self-organizing networks
* Overlay networks, virtual topologies and VPN services
* Wireless broadband networks (2G, 2.5G, 3G, and beyond)
* High speed access, Wireless Local (WLANs) and Personal
Area Networks (PANs)
* Optical networks (metropolitan, all optical, WDM,
DWDM, optical IP)
* Video and broadband cable networks
* VoIP, VoD, FTTX networks, services, and protocols
(IPv4, IPv6, H.323, SIP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP, MGCP, and QoS)
* Storage Area Networks (SAN) and ASPs server farms
* Web services and content delivery networks
* Smart homes and networked haptics
* Satellite and interplanetary networks
* e-World (e-health, e-commerce, e-business, and e-government)

Important Dates:
* Deadline for Technical Session Papers:                   1 August 2005
* Deadline for Application Session Papers:    15 September 2005
* Deadline for Tutorials, Panels and Posters: 15 September 2005
* Notification of Acceptance:                           12 November 2005
* Final Camera Ready Papers Due:                         1 February 2006

For more information on NOMS 2006, please contact one of the
two Program Co-chairs:

Joseph L. Hellerstein <hellers@us.ibm.com>, IBM, U.S.A.
Burkhard Stiller <stiller@tik.ee.ethz.ch>,
     University of Zürich and ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Poster Sessions

In addition to regular papers presented in technical sessions,
NOMS 2006 also offers poster sessions for more informal
interactions and presenting work in progress. Short papers
(4 pages long) can be submitted for consideration as poster
presentations. Posters will be selected from these short papers
and regular papers. You can submit your work selecting "Poster
session" in the NOMS 2006 submission system (JEMS) at
https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/noms2006. Further questions
related to posters must be addressed to the poster co-chairs:

Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville <granville@inf.ufrgs.br>,
       Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Nikos Anerousis <nikos@us.ibm.com>, IBM, USA
Kyung-Hyu Lee <khyulee@etri.re.kr>, ETRI, Korea

Application Sessions

The NOMS2006 Application Session submissions aim to encourage
discussions concerning experience, lessons-learned, business
cases, implementation examples, new applications, innovative
enterprises, and organizational impacts, in any of the detailed
topics found at http://www.noms2006.org.

Papers for the Application Sessions should be written in English.
The paper format should have a visual in the upper half of a
page and the explanatory text in the lower half (annotated
visuals). Paper submissions should consist of no more than
15 annotated visuals in PDF only. Detailed author instructions
are available on the author information page on the conference
web site. Further questions related to the application session

should be addressed to the sessions co-chairs:

Joseph Betser <Joseph.Betser@aero.org>, Aerospace, USA
Prosper Chemouil <prosper.chemouil@francetelecom.com>,
      France Telecom, France
Yoshiaki Kiriha <y-kiriha@ay.jp.nec.com>, NEC, Japan

NOMS 2006 Workshops

Workshops on specialized topics will be held on the days before
and after the NOMS technical program. Contributions to these
workshops will be solicited and reviewed separately from those
for NOMS. A proposal to organize a half-day or full-day workshop
should contain the following information

  * A draft of the CFP (includes Title, description,
    topics and dates)
  * Why is the topic area important?
  * Likely contributors and target audience
  * Organizing committee
  * Plan for workshop advertising and publicity
  * Biography of the main organizer (100-200 words)

Deadline for submission is September 15, 2005.

For a point of reference, see the workshops held in conjunction
with IM 2005 at http://www.ieee-im.org/workshops.html. Workshop
proposals should be sent to one of the tutorial co-chairs:

Ehab Al-Shaer <ehab@cs.depaul.edu>, De Paul University, USA
Rolf Stadler <stadler@imit.kth.se>, KTH, Sweden

Call for Tutorials


NOMS 2006 will feature state-of-the-art tutorials from top experts in
their fields on the days before (April 3, 2006) and after (April 7,
2006) the technical program.
Topics cover every level from introductory skills to highly advanced and
address highly important and relevant subject areas of Systems, Network
and Service Management.
To provide the best possible tutorial offerings, NOMS 2006 solicits
proposals and ideas for half-day (3.5 hours) and full-day (7 hours)
Proposals will be evaluated by the NOMS 2006 Technical Program
Committee. Tutorial presenters will receive a honorarium.
If you are interested in presenting a tutorial at this conference or
have an idea for a tutorial you would like to see offered please contact
the Tutorial Chair:

Alexander Keller <alexk@us.ibm.com>
Deadline for submitting Tutorial Proposals: 15 September 2005

A proposal to present a tutorial should contain the following information:

    * Tutorial Title
    * Full Name(s) and Affiliation(s) of the Instructor(s)
    * Outline and Extended Abstract (500-1000 words) detailing the
      importance of the subject and its relevance and benefits to NOMS
      2006 attendees
    * Potential attendee profile
    * Biography of the Instructor (100-200 words)

If the tutorial or its earlier version has been given before, please
indicate the events, dates and contents.