Dear All,
I would be most grateful if you would share this announcement
with those who may have interest in submitting paper(s) or participating in UbiSafe-07.
Kind regards,
Daniel N. Xiong,
Publicity Chair, UbiSafe-07
Japan Advanced Inst. of Science & Technology
Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1211, JAPAN

The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Ubisafe Computing (UbiSafe-07)
Niagara Falls, Canada, May 21-23, 2007 or
In conjunction with AINA-07:
  Paper Submission: November 30, 2006
  Author Notification:  January 22, 2007
  Camera-Ready Papers:  February 17, 2007
Computers are now available anytime, anywhere, by different means, and
distributed unobtrusively throughout the everyday environments in which
physical objects/artifacts embedded with invisible computers are sensible and
networked locally and globally. Such "any" computers open tremendous
opportunities to provide numerous novel services/applications in both real
world and cyber spaces, and exist ubiquitously in our daily life, working,
learning, traveling, entertainment, medicine, etc. Although it is yet unclear
what exactly the real-cyber integrated worlds would be, there is no doubt that
they must be safe.
UbiSafe emphasizes the SAFE aspects for ubiquitous, pervasive, AmI, mobile,
universal, embedded, wearable, augmented, invisible, hidden, context-aware,
sentient, proactive, autonomic, or whatever it is called, computing. UbiSafe
computing is focused on theories and technologies for ubiquitous artifacts to
function safely for different purposes; for ubiquitous systems to work safely
in various situations; and for ubiquitous environments to behave safely with
all people. A series of challenges exist to let people benefit from ubiquitous
services, and simultaneously guarantee their safety in making ubiquitous safe
artifacts, systems, and environments.
The UbiSafe-07 Symposium provides a forum for engineers and scientists in
academia, industry, and government to address all safety related profound
challenges including technical, social, legal  and ethical issues, and to
present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools,
applications, work in progress and experience on all aspects of UbiSafe
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
* Fundamentals
- UbiSafe concepts, definitions, basic elements, models, frameworks and
methodologies, human-centric paradigms,
multi-disciplinary/inter-disciplinary/trans-disciplinary approaches, semantics,
ontologies, UbiSafe requirements and formal specifications and validations,
information assurance, etc.
* Technologies
- Security and privacy protection, reliability and fault tolerance, risk
analysis, uncertainty and exception handling, socially intelligent agents,
intuitive/natural user interface, interaction design, context-awareness,
intelligent computing, service-oriented computing, hardware, software,
middleware, etc.
* Systems
- Embedded systems, wearable systems, augmented systems, context-based systems,
communication systems, safety-critical systems, survivable systems, persistent
systems, autonomous/autonomic systems, proactive systems, network
infrastructure, sensor networks, etc.
* Applications
- Smart objects, smart environments, information appliance and artifacts,
everyday gadgets, robots, safety care, healthcare, medical care and services,
working, learning, traveling, entertainment, case studies, etc.
* Measures and Assessments
- UbiSafe attributes and measures for safety, trust, faith, amenity, easiness,
comfort, satisfaction and worryness, UbiSafe levels and relations, UbiSafe
quality, assessment criteria and authority, subjective and objective assessment
standards, evaluation methodologies, testing, measuring and monitoring tools,
* Human Factors and Social Issues
- Human and social aspects of UbiSafe, UbiSafe sources and factors, social
rules, regulations and laws, human factors, human behavior analysis, modeling
of human feelings, traditional and cultural issues, ethical issues, etc.
Submit full papers not exceeding 20 pages in PDF format (IEEE Computer Society
Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including figures
and references, using 10 fonts, and number each page. You can download the IEEE
CS Proceedings Author Guidelines from the following web site UbiSafe-07 submission
web site is at
Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines on preparing and submitting
the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance. The
proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Authors of
accepted papers, or at least one of them, are required to register and present
their work at the conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the
digital library after the conference.
Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in the Journal
of Autonomic and Trusted Computing (JoATC), and the Journal of Ubiquitous
Computing and Intelligence (JUCI). A set of high quality papers of the
conference, after further revisions, also will be published in an edited book
published by IDEA Publishing Group, USA.
        Jingde Cheng, Saitama University, Japan
        Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
        Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
        Vipin Chaudhary, Wayne State University, USA
        Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan
        Qiangfu Zhao, The University of Aizu, Japan
        Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
        Xiaolin (Andy) Li, Oklahoma State University, USA
        Evi Syukur, Monash University, Australia
        Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK
        Zhiwen Yu, Nagoya University, Japan
        Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
        Daniel N. Xiong, JAIST, Japan
        Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA
        Emmanuelle Anceaume, IRISA, France
For further information please email to: