CALL FOR PAPERS ISWCS 2005 International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2005 (IWSSC 2005) 8th - 9th September 2005, University of Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto, 55, Siena, Italy With the support of IEEE, ComSoc (as part of ISWCS 2005), the Univerity of Siena and SatNEx The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and technologists to present new ideas and contributions in the form of technical papers, panel discussions and tutorials in the field of satellite communications. This workshop will be held jointly with ISWCS2005 It is intended to bring together various satellite communication systems developers to discuss the current status, technical challenges, standards, fundamental issues, and future services and applications. IWSSC seeks to address and capture highly innovative and state of the art research from the satellite communications industry. The scope of the workshop includes a wide range of technical challenges in view of the growing interest for satellite access to the Internet, multi-media and broadband access to satellite communication systems, the evolution of future satellite communications with access across hybrid platforms, the definition of a cross-layer design for improving the efficiency and the performance of the air interface. ***A special session will be made available for young researchers and Ph.D. students to provide them with the opportunity to present their activities. *** The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: QoS Issues Standards Status (e.g., ITU, ETSI) Hybrid satellite and terrestrial Networks Navigation Services Reliable Multicast Protocols Innovative services through satellite TCP Performance over Satellite Routing protocols Onboard switching and processing technologies Medium access control protocols Cross-layer air interface design Handover techniques Call admission control schemes Dynamic bandwidth allocation Radio resource management for S-UMTS HSDPA via satellite Advances in modulation and coding Advances in antenna technology Channel models HAP related-issues General Chair Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy General Co-Chair and Finance Chair Boon Sain Yeo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Technical Program Chair Michel Bousquet, SUPAERO, Toulouse, France Technical Program co-Chair Gérard Maral, ENST, Toulouse, France Technical Program Committee Members Abbas Jamalipour, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia Foo Yu Chiann, National Univerity of Singapore, Singapore Frederic Cornet, CNES, France Haitham S. Cruickshank, University of Surrey, UK Franco Davoli, CNIT, Italy Alban Duverdier, CNES, France Riccardo De Gaudenzi, ESA Gorry Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, UK Erina Ferro, ISTI-CNR, Italy Istvan Frigyes, Budapest University of Technologies Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy David Grace, University of York, UK Boris Gremont, University of Porsmouth, UK Michael Hadjitheodosiou, University of Maryland, USA Takashi Iida, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan Athanasios Kanatas, University of Piraeus, Greece Sastri Kota, Harris, USA Victor Kueh, University of Surrey, UK Khaled Ben Letaief, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HONG KONG Michele Luglio, Università Roma Tor Vergata, Italy Mario Marchese, CNIT, Italy Mihael Mohorcic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Jose Ignacio Moreno, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain K.Narenthiran, University of Surrey, UK Mathiopoulos Panayiotis, National Observatory of Athens George Pantos, National Technical Univerity of Athens Niovi Pavlidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece José Radzik, SUPAERO, Toulouse, France Gonzalo Seco, ESA, The Netherlands Gunnar Stette, Norvegian P&T, Norway Zhili Sun, University of Surrey, UK Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, University of Bologna, Italy Maria Angeles Vazquez Castro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Ruhai Wang, Lamar University, USA Markus Werner, DLR, Germany Boon Sain Yeo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Organizing Chairs Giuliano Benelli, University of Siena, Italy Bernardo Marzucchi, Etruria Telematica and Univ. of Siena, Italy Publicity Chair Victor Kueh, University of Surrey, UK Publication Chair Yong Huat Chew, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Web Chair Tan Gek Hiong, Dou Yee Enterprises, Singapore Steering Committee Michel Bousquet, SUPAERO, Toulouse, France Gerard Maral, ENST, France Boon Sain Yeo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy Jose Ignacio Moreno, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Local Organizing Committee Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy Giuliano Benelli, University of Siena, Italy Bernardo Marzucchi, Etruria Telematica and Univ. of Siena, Italy Veronica Pasqualetti, University of Siena, Italy Conference Secretariat: Università di Siena, Servizio Congressi, Via Banchi di Sotto, 46 53100 Siena, Italy, email: Paper Submission Guidelines Submission will be based on an extended abstract (NOT the full paper) of about 1500 words (two pages in the standard IEEE conference format). The extended abstract should include diagrams, initial results, and other details required for the reviewers to be able to assess the contribution of your work. In addition to the extended abstract, a short paper description (approx. 150 words). Extended abstract must be submitted electronically by May 1, 2005(12:00 hr EST), according to the instructions written before. Paper accepted for the workshop will appear in the IEEEXplore as part of the proceedings of ISWCS 2005. Submission Instructions: The interested author should go under EDAS at the "ISWCS 2005 Workshop" row and to click under submission and management for the row labeled as "International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2005". Panel Sessions & Tutorials Proposals for Tutorial and Panel Sessions are also being solicited. Tutorials (half-day or full-day sessions) are intended to provide in-depth learning on a specific topic of interest to the participants. Panel sessions are 60 minutes long. They present leaders in a particular area discussing a topic of interest to the attendees of IWSSC 2005. Proposals for Tutorials and Panel sessions should consist of 1000 words summary, a 150 word abstract, and a cover page listing the details of the author (s) as given above. Please submit your proposal(by May 1, 2005) to the tutorial and panel Chair, Markus Werner, DLR, Germany: Exhibitions Exhibitions of company products are solicited for the Technical Subject Areas. Interested parties should contact the Local Organizing Committee by email: Important Dates Last date for submitting papers, proposals for tutorials and panel sessions: May 1, 2005 Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2005 Last date for submission of camera-ready versions of accepted papers: July 15, 2005.