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International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 2007
                            (ISWPC 2007)
             5-7 February 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

                      Technically Sponsored By
IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

                      Hosted By
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez



Wireless pervasive computing is a rapidly growing area that has attracted
significant attention due to its potential impact on the quality of
lifestyles of individuals. To enable wireless pervasive computing, it is
necessary to integrate technologies from the fields of communications,
signal processing, distributed computing, and numerous other fields. The aim
of this symposium is to provide a platform for researchers in the area of
wireless pervasive computing and related areas to showcase their results,
launch new ideas, as well as to interact with colleagues from these areas.

The scope of the symposium covers all enabling technologies of wireless
pervasive computing. This includes a huge variety of topics ranging from
wireless communications and networking to services and applications of
pervasive computing. A series of panel and tutorials will also seek to
inform and invoke interaction among researchers which are interested in this



Wireless Networks Work - What's Next?
Dr Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research

RF Localization and the Internet of Things
Professor Kaveh Pahlavan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Context Modelng in Smart Environments: A Perspective from Pervasive
Professor  Sajal K. Das, University of Texas at Arlington



The workshop will be hold on 4th Feb 2007 and is free to all registered
participants of ISWPC 2007.

This workshop intends to serve as a forum for the exchange of new ideas,
concepts, and results associated with three specific areas showing a degree
of convergence: Wireless Networking (WN), Grid and Web Services (GWS), and
Automated Information Processing (AIP). AIP is serving as a bridge between
WN and GWS and in this context is bringing out new exciting and challenging
issues. The workshop is addressing issues along the following lines through
a set of thought-provoking questions:

Grid and Web Services
Grid Computing: a new technology or a cheaper alternative?
What are the financial and technological benefits of grid computing versus
cluster computing?
What markets stand to benefit the most from grid computing?
Does wireless access to computing grids open up new application/ service
markets? Which ones?
Do projected trends for future data processing needs align favorably with
the capabilities of computing grids?

Wireless Networking
How wireless sensor networks (WSN) integrate with wireless networking in
How can WSNs characterize smart environments in our automated society?
How to manage uncertainty due inhabitants' contexts in smart environments?
What significant automated information processing issues need to be
addressed for context-aware resource management in smart environments?
Beyond mere wireless access to grids: are there any wireless-specific
services or applications that may benefit from grid computing?

Automated Information Processing
What information processing applications are good and poor matches for
What is automated in automated information processing?
How to integrate syntactic and semantic issues in automated information
How AIP is serving as a bridge between grid and web services and wireless
What role plays signal processing in automated information processing and
smart environments?

Wireless Networking
Web and Grid Services
Sensor and Mobile Databases
Collaborative Signal Processing
Sensor Metadata Interoperability and Management
Secure Wireless Sensor Networks
Signal-based Automated Information Processing
Sensor Grids and Sensor Registry
Environmental Surveillance Monitoring

Ian Foster -
Sajal Das - http://ranger.uta.edu/~das/
Sandra Thuel - http://www.bell-labs.com/user/thuel/


Fulfilling the promise of RFID: Applications, Case Studies and Future

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) will certainly be an integral part of
most supply chains in 10 to 20 years' time. Up to now, however, RFID has
failed to live up to its promise, remaining hurdled by limited
implementation and applications, and has yet to be considered a mainstream
technology on its own.
A range of technologies, from WiFi to Sensor Networks to RFID, is being
explored for asset management to "smart" shelving - but what combination of
technologies solves the right sets of problems? How does one identify the
problems to solve? What are the capabilities of each technology to solve
them in differing use scenarios? Where can WiFi be more useful vs. RFID or
EPC (Electronic Product Codes) in other situations?
In this panel, we will discuss these questions, current and potential future
applications, and possibilities for further research and study.

Dr. Rajit Gadh, UCLA
Dr. Salil Pradhan, CTO, HP RFID Program
Dr. Dario Sassi Thober, Wernher Von Braun Center for Advanced Research,
Campinas, Brazil
Marcelo de Carvalho Pandini, Manager, RFID & Business Development,
Hewlett-Packard Brazil
Martina Y. Trucco, University Relations Latin America, Hewlett-Packard Labs