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Salvador - Brazil, 03 to 06 november 2003
Papers: August 01st, 2003
Notification of acceptance: September 1st, 2003
Camera-ready papers: September 12th, 2003

The Symposium on Multimedia Systems and Web (WEBMEDIA 2003) is an
international event supported by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) in the
area of multimedia and hypermedia systems with a special emphasis on the Web
applications scenario.
This ninety edition of the WEBMEDIA (former SBMidia) will be held in
Salvador, the capital of Bahia, Brazil, from November 03-06 2003, organized
by University Salvador (UNIFACS).
WEBMEDIA 2003 also includes the following topic-focused events:
- 2nd Brazilian Workshop in Games and Digital Entertainment - WJogos 2003
- III Workshop - Thesis and Dissertation in Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web
- II Workshop on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web Tools & Applications
- Special Track 01: CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Special Track 02: Middleware Platforms for Multimedia
WEBMEDIA symposium provides a forum for users, web and multimedia developers
and researchers in academia, industry and government to present and discuss
their latest results in terms of technology, systems and applications. The
emphasis proposed is to promote the large-scale use of multimedia on the
Web. Authors are cordially invited to participate by submitting their work
in areas included but not limited to:
- Web-based multimedia and hypermedia
- Multimedia and hypermedia intensive Web Applications: healhtcare,
education, entertainment, e-commerce and government
- Multimedia and hypermedia theory, models, architectures and applications
- Web Performance
- Web technologies: languages, applications, services, architecture and
- WebGames
- CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Digital Libraries
- Data mining and knowledge management for multimedia/ hypermedia contents
- Languages, metrics and evaluation methods for multimedia and hypermedia
- Multimedia and hypermedia tools, environments and infrastructure
- Quality of Service in multimedia/ hypermedia context
- Visualization, virtual environments and interfaces
- Document engineering
- Databases, storage and retrieval in multimedia/ hypermedia context
- Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia and hypermedia
- Interactive and pervasive multimedia: Digital TV, mobile systems, others
- Web Semantic
- Security in multimedia and hypermedia applications
- Distributed multimedia and hypermedia applications
- Multimedia and hypermedia contents creation, storage and distribution
Full-papers will be carefully evaluated by at least three referees.
Evaluation criteria include relevance, originality, validity and importance
of the described results. Accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings and must be presented at the conference by one of the
When considering traveling and extra-conference activities, Salvador
outstands as a secure, beautiful, friendly and touristy city (more than 2
million tourists by year). Among other attractions, there are more than 40
km of all-year sunny beaches, well preserved historical monuments, the best
and well-known five-stars hotels of the world and many options for flight
connections from Europe, US and other Brazilian cities (Rio, São Paulo,
Iguaçu Falls, ...). So, the idea is to associate a mix of very serious and
high-level technical work with a very pleasant stay.

General Chair:
Joberto Sérgio Barbosa Martins (UNIFACS)
Celso Alberto Saibel Santos (UNIFACS)
Program Committee Chair:
Guido Lemos de Souza Filho (UFPB)
Special Tracks:
Special Track 01: CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Chairs: Renata Mendes de Araújo (UNIRIO) e Flávia Maria Santoro (NCE-UFRJ)
Special Track 02: Middleware Platforms for Multimedia
Chairs: Fabio Kon (USP) and Renato Cerqueira (PUC-Rio)
2nd Brazilian Workshop in Games and Digital  Entertainment - WJogos 2003
Chairs: Marcelo Dreux (PUC-Rio) e Esteban Gonzalez Clua (PUC-Rio)
Program Committee Chair: Geber Ramalho (UFPE)
III Workshop - Thesis and Dissertation in Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web
Chair: Maria da Graça Pimentel (USP - São Carlos)
II Workshop  on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Web Tools and Applications
Chair: Renata Pontin de Mattos Fortes (ICMC-USP)
Program Committee - WEBMEDIA 2003:
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto (UFMG)
Carlos G. Ferraz (UFPE)
César Augusto Camillo Teixeira (COC)
Celso Saibel (UNIFACS)
Claudio Pinhanez (TJ Watson Research Center IBM, USA)
Daniel Schwabe (PUC-RIO)
Eduardo S. Albuquerque (UFG)
Esteban Gonzalez Clua (PUC-Rio)
Ethan Munson (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA)
Fábio Kon (IME-USP)
Flávia Maria Santoro (NCE-UFRJ)
Guido Lemos de Souza Filho (DI-UFPB)
Geber Ramalho (UFPE)
Gustavo Rossi (UNLP, Argentina)
Guido Lemos de Souza Filho (DI-UFPB)
Jean-Marie Farines (DAS-UFSC)
Jean-Pierre Courtiat (LAAS/CNRS, França)
Joberto Sérgio Barbosa Martins (Unifacs)
José Valdeni de Lima (UFRGS)
Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira (LNCC)
Joaquim Jorge (IST/INESC, Portugal)
Judith Kelner (UFPE)
Juliana Freire (Bell Labs, USA)
Luci Pirmez (NEC-UFRJ)
Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares (PUC-RIO)
Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo (NEC-UFRJ)
Marcelo Dreux (PUC-Rio)
Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira (ICMC-USP)
Maria da Graça Pimentel (ICMC-USP)
Marina Teresa Pires Vieira (UFSCar)
Marcelo K. Zuffo (USP-SP)
Oscar Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València, Espanha)
Raimundo Macedo (UFBA)
Renata Mendes de Araújo (UNIRIO)
Renata Pontin de Mattos Fortes (ICMC-USP)
Renato Cerqueira (PUC-Rio)
Riverson Rios (UFC)
Roberto Willrich (UFSC)
Thais Batista (UFRN)
Valter Roesler (UNISINOS)
Wagner Meira Jr. (UFMG)
WJogos 2003 - Organizing Committee:
Tutorials Chair: André Luiz Battaiola (UFPR)
Papers Chair: Bruno Feijó (PUC-Rio)
Posters Chair: Jefferson Valadares (Jynx/CESAR/UFPE)
Industry: Fabio Binder (UNICENP)
WJogos 2003 - Program Committee:
Kazushigue Asanome (Gamenet)
Cesar Pozzer (PUC-Rio)
Fábio Policarpo (Paralelo Computação)
Francisco Meireles (Paralelo Computação)
Reinaldo Normand (Outerspace)