Parallel Session on "Mobile sharing applications for nomad and peripatetic storytellers" at HCII 2007.

This parallel session aims to present research involving innovative data gathering, evaluation and participatory design techniques to develop pervasive interactive multimedia systems that enable the creation and sharing of stories, supporting and encouraging creativity, collaborative work and socialization. It looks at presenting significant projects and studies carried out in academia and in industry aiming to make new media technologies more enjoyable for the nomadic and peripatetic user by showcasing new relevant solutions that extend the field of action of people on the move improving, at the same time, the quality of the experience with them. The objectives are to understand how nomadic cultures can shape trends in technology, to analyze how sociability can be achieved in nomadic contexts, to unfold the futures of mobile TV, to explore the user-experience in pervasive interactive multimedia systems in general, to design applications to encourage the creation of Mobile Communities, to analyze how mobile digital content could evolve and to examine advanced interaction modalities for handhelds and ambient deployments.

Authors are invited to submit on or before January 26, 2006, the title of their proposal, a short abstract and full contact details. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by January 29, 2007 about the status of their proposals. Full papers are expected to be submitted by February 16, 2007. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

Dr. Anxo Cereijo Roibas, University of Brighton
Riccardo Sala, Dare

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (World document) to: