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Call for Posters and Demos

MobiHoc 2005

6th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

May 25-28, 2005, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA


Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE

ACM MobiHoc is the premier international meeting dedicated to addressing
challenges emerging from wireless ad hoc networking and computing. Due to
the growing interest in the field this year's symposium will have an
expanded format that will include a highly selective, dual-track technical
program for the first time, as well as hands-on research demonstrations,
keynote, panel, and tutorials.

We invite poster, and demonstration submissions on mobile ad hoc
networks, wireless sensor networks, and ad hoc computing systems, with the focus being on issues at and above the MAC layer. Areas of interest
include, but are not limited to

.        Applications, operating system, and middleware support
.        Analysis and design of transport, network and MAC protocols
.        Energy-efficient algorithms
.        Location discovery and management techniques
.        Network scaling and limits
.        Measurements and practical experience from
         experimental systems and testbeds
.        Cross layer design
.        Network resilience, fault-tolerance, and reliability
.        Security and defense issues
.        In-network processing, aggregation, and data dissemination
.        Distributed actuation, control, and coordination
.        Modeling, performance evaluation and QoS issues

POSTERS: Posters presenting early work and preliminary results are
solicited. The poster session will provide an excellent opportunity for
initial feedback on early research results. Poster descriptions of no more than 3 pages (US letter size 8.5x11 inches) using font size 10 should be submitted to the Poster Co-Chairs before April 1, 2005. Please include the words "Poster Abstract:" to precede the title on the cover page. A selected subset of the poster abstracts will be published in
ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review.

DEMOS: Technical demonstration of experimental ad hoc networking and
computing systems are solicited. One-page demo descriptions, including a
list of any required supporting equipment, should be sent to the Demo
Chair before April 15, 2005.


General Chair
P. R. Kumar
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Program Co-Chairs
Andrew T. Campbell
Columbia University

Roger Wattenhofer
ETH Zurich

Steering Committee Chair
Nitin Vaidya
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Poster Co-Chairs
Saswati Sarkar
University of Pennsylvania

Songwu Lu
University of California, Los Angeles

Demo Chair
Scott Graham
Air Force Institute of Technology

Tutorial Co-Chairs
Richard Hyong-Jun La
University of Maryland

Bhaskar Krishnamachari
University of Southern California

Publicity Chairs
Sunghyun  Choi
Seoul National University

Marco Conti
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Robin Kravets
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Finance Co-Chairs
Srikanth Krishnamurthy
University of California, Riverside

Raghupathy Sivakumar
Georgia Institute of Technology

Registration Chair
Prasun Sinha
Ohio State University

Web Chair
Junshan  Zhang
Arizona State University

Publication Chair
Yongguang Zhang
HRL Labs

Local Arrangements Co-Chairs
Xiang-Yang Li
Illinois Institute of Technology

Haiyun Luo
Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Wai Gen Yee
Illinois Institute of Technology