Enclosed are some information requested by Otto plus some news about ACF:
- Erol Gelenbe is still interested in organizing Networking 2008 in London as he proposed one year ago. If the IFIP TC6 prefers, he also could organize Networking 2008 in Istanbul but London seems better.
-Here is the message from Mario Gerla:
I am flattered by the informal invitation. I am definitely interested in the field. My main concern is the fact that I am committed to many other efforts – Italy-UCLA collaboration; NSF working groups; several conference committees. I may just not have the bandwidth...
Let me look a bit more into it

Thanks, Mario
- As proposed some time ago by Otto Duarte and Khaldoun Al Agha, they are ready to take the lead on a new working group on Ad Hoc networking.
- ACF (Autonomic Networking Forum) is a forum created two years ago. There are 600 members. Radu Popescu Zeletin is at the head of this consortium. One of the potential proposal that could be an output of the ACF meeting in Paris during the Autonomic Networking Conference could be to propose to become a Working Group of the IFIP. This WG focus could be on the normalization of AC interfaces and environment (this is an output of discussions held some time ago in a conference in Mykonos). So the TC6 could propose officially this solution and let the ACF continues its very strong work within the TC6  with a large freedom. This could be a strong action of the TC6.
I let you know as soon as I have more news.
Guy Pujolle
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
8 rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France
Assistante: Laetitia Jacquey,
tel: +33 1 44 27 87 74 fax +33 1 44 27 87 83
----- Original Message -----
From: "Otto Spaniol" <spaniol@informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
To: <ifip-tc6@informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:37 PM
Subject: [ifip-tc6] WG6.8 + 6.10 + 6.2, Netw. 2008

> Dear all,
> as agreed upon in Coimbra I have made the following actions:
> - inviting Pedro Cuenca (Spain) + Jozef Woniak (Poland)
>  to submit proposals for 6.8 and to present the ideas
>  at the occasion of the next meeting in Paris
> - inviting Josep Sole Pareta (Spain) + Ioannis Tomkos (Poland)
>  to submit proposals for 6.10 and to present the ideas
>  at the occasion of the next meeting in Paris.
> Thanks a lot to Ramon Puigjaner and to Jan Slavik who
> established the first contacts.
> Josep and Ioannis have already agreed to come to Paris.
> For 6.8 we had a suggestion for a third candidate (Mario Gerla
> or somebody else from the US scene); Guy Pujolle promised
> to establsih a contact. No response received yet.
> Guy Pujolle has started the nomination phase for a new
> chairman of 6.2 (as you knw, Guy has become the TC6
> delegate of France as successor of Samir Tohme).
> Another topic is Networking 2008 (as you know, Networking
> 2007 will be held in Atlanta).
> We had initially suggested to have Networking 2008 in London.
> In the last meeting, however, it was decided to leave that
> decision open. Condidates should be invited to present
> their concepts in September in Paris.
> Guy Pujolle promised to ask Erol Gelenbe (London) about that.
> No response received thus far.
> I took the responsibility to contact Francis Lee (Singapore)
> who had submitted a bid for 2007 not knowing that the
> decision for Atlanta was already made long ago.
> Thus I wrote a message to Francis Lee.
> He reacted prompty saying that he is still very interested
> but that he has to discuss that in more detail with
> the organisation committee.
> Best regards
> Otto
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