Dear Colleague,

Enclosed below please find a Preliminary Announcement and Call for
Papers for the First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor
Networks and Applications (to be held in conjunction with ACM MobiCom
2002) at Atlanta on September 28, 2002.

For complete information about the workshop, please visit the websites
at: for MobiCom 2002

We apologize if you received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested.

Very truly yours,

Prof. C. S. Raghavendra
University of Southern California

Prof. Krishna Sivalingam
Washington State University

Workshop Co-Chairs

      ACM MobiCom 2002 Workshop

      WSNA 2002

First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and
      in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2002
  September 28, 2002

Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE (pending)

URLs: for MobiCom 2002

  Submission Deadline: June 1, 2002

      For more information, please contact the Workshop Co-Chairs:
Prof. Raghavendra ( and Prof. Sivalingam (


Tremendous technological advances have been made in the development of
low-cost sensor devices equipped with wireless network interfaces. The
design of large-scale sensor networks interconnecting several hundred
to a few thousand sensor nodes has attracted recent research
attention. The sensors monitor various types of information such as
temperature, pressure, chemicals, etc. and/or transmit voice and video
data.  Such sensor networks may be used for applications spanning
several domains including military, medical, industrial, and home
networks. Some of the key challenges deal with scalability of network
protocols to large number of nodes, design of simple and efficient
protocols for different network operations, design of power-conserving
protocols, design of security mechanisms and protocols, design of data
handling techniques including data querying, data mining, data fusion
and data dissemination, and development of exciting new applications
that exploit the potential of wireless sensor networks.

The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers
and technologists to present their contributions as technical papers
related to wireless sensor networks.  The issues and challenges for
the development of wireless sensor networks not only encompass a broad
spectrum of research topics but also involves a way to envision the
evolution of a new breed of multi-disciplinary wireless network


Papers are solicited in all research and applied areas related to
wireless sensor networks, which include but are not limited to:

    * Self-Organizing Network Architectures

    * Routing and medium access control protocols

    * Power-aware protocol design

    * Low-power sensor design

    * Applications of sensor networks

    * Mechanisms, protocols and algorithms for Network Security

    * Data Compression and Data Fusion

    * Localization techniques

    * Data Querying and Data Dissemination

    * Collaborative Signal Processing

    * Quality-of-Service

    * Operating system issues


All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Authors should
prepare a PostScript or Portable Document Format (PDF) version of
their paper. No other format will be accepted.  Instructions for
submission are available at

Papers must meet the following restrictions:

-  The paper must be original material that has not been previously
    published nor is currently under review by another conference or

-  Papers should be no longer than *12 pages* (two column is
    acceptable), in font no smaller than 10 points. (Note that ACCEPTED
    papers, when formatted for the proceedings, may not exceed *10 pages*
    in font no smaller than 9 points).

-  The paper should fit properly on US Letter-sized paper (8.5x11 inches)

-  PostScript version 2 or later, or Portable Document Format (PDF)

-  Use only Computer Modern or standard Adobe printer fonts (i.e., Courier,
    Times, Roman, or Helvetica)

-  Other fonts may be used, but must be included in the PostScript/PDF file

-  The paper must be formatted for b/w printers and not color printers.

All contributions will be refereed by the Program Committee. Accepted
papers will be available as part of the proceedings, at the workshop.

                               IMPORTANT DATES

    * Submissions due: June 1, 2002
    * Notification of acceptance: July 26, 2002
    * Final manuscript due: August 15, 2002
    * Workshop date: September 28, 2002

Note: Papers submitted to Mobicom 2002, may be submitted to this
       workshop, AFTER Mobicom 2002 paper acceptance decisions are
       finalized (expected end of June 2002).



  Prof. C. S. Raghavendra, Professor
  Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  University of Southern California
  Los Angeles, CA 90089-2562.
  Telephone: 213-740-9133

  Prof. Krishna Sivalingam, Associate Professor
  School of Electrical Engg. & Computer Science
  102 EME Building
  Washington State University
  Pullman, WA 99164-2752.
  Phone: 509 335 3220


    * Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research)
    * Azzedine Boukerche (University of North Texas)
    * Erdal Cayirci (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    * Surendar Chandra (University of Georgia)
    * David Culler (UC Berkeley)
    * Deborah Estrin (UCLA)
    * John Heidemann (ISI)
    * Bhaskar Krishnamachari (Cornell)
    * Sri Kumar (DARPA)
    * Anthony LaMarca (Intel)
    * Daniel Mosse (University of Pittsburgh)
    * Stephen Olariu (Old Dominion University)
    * Hilarie Orman
    * Parmesh Ramanathan (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
    * Jim Reich (Xerox PARC)
    * Chris Rose (Rutgers University)
    * Sumit Roy (University of Washington)
    * Suresh Singh (Portland State University)
    * Mani Srivastava (UCLA)
    * Yu-Chee Tseng (National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan)
    * Terry Todd (McMaster University)
    * Michele Zorzi (Universita` di Ferrara)


    * Erdal Cayirci (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    * Surendar Chandra (University of Georgia)


    * Surendar Chandra (University of Georgia)