Labour and Welfare in a European Knowledge-based Society


The LAW project is funded by the European Commission’s Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme to look at the implications for welfare systems in Europe of the restructuring of labour markets, taking place in the transition to a knowledge-based economy.

The results of this research will be launched at an international conference “ICTs, Social Inclusion and Welfare in Europe: showcasing good practice”, to be held in Rome, at the Congress Centre “Centro Congressi Conte di Cavour”, on 4 – 5 November 2005.  The conference is free but places are limited so please register early to assure a place. 

Please go to to register or to see the draft conference programme

For further information about the project go to:

Two important reports are already available free online from the project.

Labour Markets and Welfare Perspectives in Europe: a review of the evidence, can be downloaded from

The challenges confronting welfare systems in Europe and how ICTs can help solve them can be downloaded from D2.2 for site.pdf

You can also download the first LAW Policy Briefing - e-Government – ICTs Improving Welfare Delivery in Europe from

This email is sent to you as someone who has expressed interest in the LAW project or related research or policy questions in the past. 

Apologies for cross-posting.


The LAW consortium