Dear Max:

The IFIP office sent a general Call For Papers announcing the first TC5 SIG Conference on Computer Aided Innovation.  Max, during our conversation in Korea you expressed interest as TC12 Chair (Artificial Intelligence) to get more information about this activity.  So please take a look at the website and either contact Noel or myself if you have any questions.  Obviously, dear colleagues, please let me know if we could provide any additional information to you or your Working Groups.

Gus Olling

----- Forwarded by Gus J Olling/ITM/DCC/DCX on 03/14/2005 08:23 AM -----

"Noel Leon" <>

03/14/2005 12:41 AM

"'Tadeusz Czachórski'" <>, "'Michael McGrath'" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "'Esther. Gelle'" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "'Ron Waxman'" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, "Alberto Hernandez" <>, "Alla Zusmann" <>, "Andreas Jost" <>, "Boris Zlotin" <>, "Carsten Gundlach" <>, "Darrell Mann" <>, "Denis CAVALLUCCI" <>, "Eckhard Schueler-Hainsch" <>, "Ellen Domb" <>, "Gaetano Cascini" <>, "Gopalan Mukundan" <>, Hansjürgen Linde <>, Hansjürgen Linde <>, Joaquìm Lloveras Macià <>, <>, "Liu Hong" <>, "M. L. Maher" <>, "Mansour Ashtiani" <>, "Marco Aurelio de Carvalho" <>, "Masingale" <>, "Michael Orloff" <>, "Michael Slocum" <>, <>, "P Koen" <>, "Rosario Vidal" <>, "Sergei Ikovenko" <>, "Tobias Larsson" <>, "Valeri Souchkov" <>
"'Christopher. Irgens'" <>, "'Gjo'" <>, <>, "'Brigitte Brauneis'" <>, "'Eduard Dundler'" <>
Webpage of the 1st IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided Innovation

Dear TC5 and SIG-CAI Colleagues,
The information regarding the 1st IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided Innovation has now been posted at the webpage
We already started getting proposals for the conference and we will post the information regarding the proposals received as also the advances of the preparation of conference at this page.
Therefore this page will be updated with new information regularly.
We ask you kindly please to help in forwarding this information to your contacts and databases.
Any suggestions for improving the Webpage are also welcome.
Best regards,
Noel León
Dr. Noel León-Rovira
Profesor Titular
Centro de Innovación en Diseño y Tecnología
División de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Tel. + 52 81 81582012
Fax + 52 81 83581400
Enlace intercampus 80-629-5128

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