IFIP GA, TC-Chairs, WG-chairs, TC-members, WG-members
Member Societies.

Subject: Complimentary registration at WITFOR 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26-29 August

Dear Colleagues,

So far there are representatives from 46 countries have registered for WITFOR out of which only 19 are
from IFIP member countries. Our aim is to get participants from at least 100 countries.

The goal of WITFOR is to prepare and help implement information development strategies and projects in the developing countries. This unique visioning conference will convene leading thinkers from around the world to discuss information and communication technology as a transforming force and to explore the possibilities, promises, and perils of our networked world. It is targeted to politicians and senior officials responsible for information development from both the developing and industrialized nations, representatives of non-governmental organizations, representatives of inter-governmental organizations, and business leaders. Governments of all countries in the world have been invited to send their delegations to WITFOR.

As it can be noticed from, WITFOR is two and a half day meeting where eight commissions will be preparing proposals in different areas concerning information society. The final document will be the Vilnius Declaration aiming at advising governments on strategies for the use of ICT.

WITFOR is an unique initiative by IFIP and we would like to be a part of it.
Visit and register now.

With best regards
Peter Bollerslev
Chairman, Steering Committee, WITFOR 2003