Dear Colleagues,
This is a great conference in the area of computer communications and networks. ICCCN 2005 will consist of regular paper sessions as well as poster presentations. A best paper award will honor the author(s) of a paper that exemplifies the highest standards in contribution and exposition. Please widely distribute the CFP and encourage your friends and colleagues to submit their R&D work to ICCCN 2005.
Best regards,
Ahmed M. Safwat
On behalf of the ICCCN 2005 Organizing Committee 


                                                       [As usual, apologies for duplicates}



*** ICCCN'05 - Extended Paper Submission Deadline to APRIL 25, 2005!! ***


                   ICCCN 2005 CALL FOR PAPERS



                             October 17-19, 2005

                      San Diego, California USA


                  Marriott Hotel San Diego Mission Valley


           Conference Website:


 Sponsors*: Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE ComSoc/TCCC (Technical

   Committee on Computer Communications), IBM, Avaya Labs, and Nokia

                 (*pending approval of sponsorships)


   ICCCN is a major international conference for the presentation of original

   and fundamental advances in the field of Computer Communications and

   Networks. It also serves to foster communication among researchers

   and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with

   a common interest in improving Computer Communications and Networks



   The primary focus of the conference is on new and original research

   results in the areas of design, implementation and applications of

   Computer Communications and Networks. We invite you to submit papers

   that address novel, challenging, and innovative results. The topics

   include, but are not limited to:



       Internet Services/Applications


       Network Control and Management

       Intelligent Networks

       Data Traffic Engineering

       Networked Databases

       Optical Communication Networks

       Wireless/Mobile/Satellite Networks

       Cable Broadband Technologies

       Mobile and Pervasive Computing

       Multimedia Communication over IP Networks

       Voice over IP

       Security/Reliability/Dependability of wired/wireless networks

       Network Interoperability


       Streaming Networks

       Network Performance

       Network Architectures

       Terabit Optical Technologies

       Wireless Multimedia Applications

       DSL Technologies

       Network Processing

       Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)

       Sensor Networks



   Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers. Papers

   to be submitted should not have been previously published in another

   forum, and should not be currently under review by another journal

   or conference. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality,

   correctness, originality and relevance. Of particular interest are

   papers that address concrete experiences with computer

   communications/networks and applications. An accepted paper must be

   presented by one of the authors at the conference venue. These

   accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by

   IEEE Press. All manuscripts must be limited to 6 pages (however,

   we do allow up to two extra pages at a cost of US$150 per extra

   page beyond 6 pages if the paper is accepted for publication) font

   size 10 in standard IEEE camera ready format (double column). The

   Program Committee reserves the right to decline without review any

   papers that exceed these length specifications. Submissions also

   must include the title, author(s) and affiliation, e-mail address,

   fax/phone numbers and postal address. In case of multiple authors,

   indicate which author is responsible for correspondence and

   preparing the camera ready paper for the proceedings. Electronic

   submission is required (ps or pdf format is preferred).  Manuscripts

   should be submitted by April 15, 2005 to the ICCCN2005 website.



   The conference includes student poster sessions that highlight

   recent and ongoing research that has not been published elsewhere.

   An electronic (Postscript or PDF) version of the poster must be

   submitted to the conference website, along with a 200-word abstract.

   The first author of the poster must be a student at the time of

   submission; the student is expected to attend the conference and be

   available for discussion during the poster sessions. Accepted

   abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Students

   with accepted posters receive a discount from the regular conference

   registration fee.


   The paper session and poster sessions are two fully independent

   conference tracks, with separate review procedures. Submitted papers

   are not considered for poster sessions, and poster submissions are

   not considered for paper sessions. Submission of identical research

   material to both paper and poster sessions is not allowed.


   Please contact Program Co-Chairs below with any questions:


   Prof. Yuanyuan Yang

   Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

   State University of New York at Stony Brook

   +1 631 632 8474 (voice)

   +1 631 632 8494 (fax)


   Dr. Sandra R. Thuel

   Bell Laboratories, Room 4F515

   Networking Techniques Research Department

   101 Crawfords Corner Road

   Holmdel, New Jersey 07733

   +1 732 949 8897



   IMPORTANT DATES: Regular paper submission deadline: April 25, 2005

                                   Poster paper submission deadline:  April 25, 2005

                                   Notification of acceptance: June 27, 2005

                                   Camera ready papers due: July 30, 2005



   We encourage submissions from students. Some travel assistance may

   be available for students with top quality papers.



   Please visit the ICCCN2005 web site for

   paper submission and  more up-to-date information. Paper submission

   website is up and ready for paper submissions.




   Prof. Luiz DaSilva

   Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University




              ICCCN will select the best paper each year and authors

              of the paper will be recognized at the conference
