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20th  Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks – SBRC’2002

Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
May 20-24, 2002

The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC) is promoted annually by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) and by the National Computer Network Laboratory (LARC). Over the years, SBRC has become the most important Brazilian discussion forum for researchers and professionals within the fields of Computer Networks and Distributed Computing, and one of the major events on informatics in Brazil. The large number of annually submitted papers (over 150) and participants (over 700) of the last years is an indication of  the importance devoted by our community to SBRC.

Besides the presentation of selected papers, SBRC’2002 will provide invited talks and tutorials given by distinguished scientists, as well as short courses, panels, and other activities.

Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit papers reporting research, experiments, design and development results. The major topics of interest include (but are not limited to): specification, verification, implementation, modelling and testing of distributed systems and protocols; high speed networks; internet (protocols, services, and applications); quality of service (QoS); computer and telecommunication networks management; security; mobile computing; mobile agents; wireless communication; middleware; multimedia distributed systems; real time distributed systems; fault tolerance; performance evaluation; distributed algorithms; and interoperable systems.

The papers should be either written in English or Portuguese and the text should not exceed 16 pages, including abstract, figures, diagrams, bibliography, etc (figures in bitmap format should be avoided). The page format should be A4 (29.7 x 21.0 cm), font size 12 pts, Times, lateral margins 2.5 cm, upper margin 3.0 cm, lower margin 2.5 cm, single column page with no more than 45 lines. Submissions should be in Postscript (generic postscript) or PDF (a format created by Acrobat) and directed to the Symposium Web's Page http://www.nce.ufrj.br/sbrc/ or, alternatively, to http://www.lasid.ufba.br/eventos/sbrc2002/.

For any further details concerning submission please contact the programme committee chair (macedo@ufba.br).

Important Deadlines:
Papers submission: 04/02/02 - Extended
Acceptance notification: 28/03/02
Camera-ready Copy: 08/04/02

General Co-Chairs:
Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo, UFRJ
Luci Pirmez, UFRJ

Programme Committee Chair:
Raimundo José de Araújo Macêdo, UFBA

Programme Committee:
Aloysio de Castro Pinto Pedroza - UFRJ
Antônio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro - UFMG
Antônio Mauro Oliveira - CEFET/CE
Carlos Becker Westphall - UFSC
Carlos de Castro Goulart - UFV
Djamel H. Sadok - UFPE
Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira -UNICAMP
Eduardo Whitaker Bergamini - INPE
Eleri Cardozo - UNICAMP
Elias Procopio Duarte Jr - UFPR
Flávio Morais de Assis Silva - UFBA
Francisco Vilar Brasileiro - UFPB
Guido Lemos de Sousa Filho - UFRN
Jean-Marie Farines - UFSC
Joberto Sergio Barbosa Martins - UNIFACS
Joni da Silva Fraga - UFSC
José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro - UNIFACS
José Ferreira de Rezende - UFRJ
José Gonçalves Pereira Filho - UFES
José Marcos Silva Nogueira - UFMG
José Neuman de Souza - UFC
Julius Leite - UFF
Luci Pirmez - UFRJ
Luís Felipe Magalhães de Moraes - UFRJ
Luiz Eduardo Buzato - UNICAMP
Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares - PUC/Rio
Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo - UFRJ
Markus Endler – PUC/Rio
Maria Izabel Cavalcante Cabral - UFPB
Maria Janilce Almeida - UFRGS
Marinho Barcellos - UNISINOS
Mauricio Magalhães - UNICAMP
Michael Stanton - UFF
Nelson Fonseca - UNICAMP
Noemi Rodriguez - PUC/Rio
Orlando Loques - UFF
Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte - UFRJ
Paulo Roberto Freire Cunha - UFPE
Paulo Jorge Esteves Veríssimo - Univ. de Lisboa
Raimundo José de Araújo Macêdo – UFBA
Ricardo de Oliveira Anido – UNICAMP
Roberto Willrich - UFSC
Rogério Drummond – UNICAMP
Rosa Maria M. Leão – UFRJ
Wanderley Lopes de Souza – UFSCar
Wilson Vicente Ruggiero – USP

The Location:
Just 105 miles from Rio de Janeiro, a pleasant 2-hour trip takes you to the peninsula of Búzios, whose more than 20 magnificent beaches and crystal-clear water contrast with the exuberantly sculptured landscape and exotic vegetation, which a prodigal "Mother Nature" has privileged with a wonderful year-round summer.

Originally settled by European pirates and slave traders, this happy mixture of many bloods prospered and became a picturesque fishing village, elected one of the 10 most beautiful areas in the world, famous for its unique combination of rustic charm, architectural harmony, incredible beauty and sophisticated boutiques and restaurants frequented by discerning visitors who come from all over the world to savour its magic.

UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

SBC – Brazilian Computing Society
LARC – National Computer Networks Laboratory