Third International Workshop on Content Caching and Distribution Networks
May 19th, 2006 
In conjunction with IFIP Networking 2006
Coimbra, Portugal
15-19 May, 2006
The workshop organizing committee is encouraging the submission of short papers
(6 to 8 pages in the general conference format) preferably describing on going thesis or post doctoral research in the areas related to content caching and distribution networks. This Workshop is a forum for all graduate student from Europe and outside working in the field of content distribution networks to have the opportunity to interact with their peers and publicize and get feedback on their work, exchange experiences, make contact, and learn what other students are doing in the same field. Students not only will be able to learn about the work from other students but also interact with well established researchers in the field who will participate to the workshop. The workshop will be a day-long program organized in such a way to promote lively discussions. 
After two successful workshops organized at Sophia Antipolis by the E-Next Network of Excellence Working group on Content Distribution Networks, this third workshop held in conjunction with Networking 2006 is open to wider participation.
A limited number of travel grants will be available. 
Areas of interest
The workshop solicits technical papers related to Internet content caching and replication, content delivery, and content services networking.  Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Caching and edge services for the wireless Web
Caching and replication for grid computing
Overlay networks for content delivery
Streaming media caching
Content placement and request routing
Memory and storage management for content caches
In-stream content modification (e.g., transcoding, pluggable services)
Experiences with deployed content delivery systems
Content gathering
Peer-to-peer caching and content delivery
Geographical influences on caching and replication
Network and infrastructure support for overlays
PC Chairs
Walid Dabbous, INRIA
Lambros Lambrinos, University of Cyprus
Program Committee
Ernst Biersack                                       
Eurecom, France
Vania Conan                                         Thales, France
Walid Dabbous                                     INRIA, France
Carlos da Costa                                    ADETTI/ISCTE, Protugal
Wolfgang Effelsberg                               University of Mannheim, Germany
Vera Goebel                                          University of Oslo, Norway
George Karetsos                                   TEI LAR, Greece
Lambros Lambrinos                               University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Rui J. Lopez                                          ADETTI/ISCTE, Portugal
Laurent Mathy                                       Lancaster University, UK
Theodore Pagtzis                Fujitsu Labs, UK 
Andreas Mauthe                                    Lancaster University, UK
Thomas Plagemann                 University of Oslo, Norway
Paul Smith                                             Lancaster University, UK
Guillaume Urvoy-Keller                                                       Eurecom, France
Guidelines to authors
Student authors are asked to submit their papers electronically in PDF format before the deadline below through the submission form on the conference Website. Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop program committee. The workshop proceedings will be published.
Authors of accepted papers will present their work in 15-minute talks at the workshop.

Important Dates
March 1,  2006: Papers Submission Deadline 
March 20, 2006: Acceptance Notification 
April 5, 2006: Camera ready version 
May 19, 2006: Workshop Event 


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