-----Original Message-----
From: Vicente, John [mailto:john.vicente@intel.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:02 AM
Subject: MMNS04 Call For Papers


Dear MMNS04 TPC colleagues,


The MMNS04 CPF submission deadline is fast approaching (April 30th). Please forward the below MMNS04 CFP to your local research community. We have also attached PDF and DOC versions of the CFP, if you would be kind enough to print one and post locally.


The updated MMNS04 CFP includes information on our invited Keynote Speakers, Application Sessions, E2EMON Workshop and planned 2004 Conference Tutorial topics. This year, we will provide 6 student stipends towards Best Student Papers to encourage quality contributions from the academic community.


Best regards,


John and David



MMNS 2004 Call for Papers

7th International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks & Services



Organized by:

IT@Intel Information Technology Research and

School of Computer Science, Lancaster University, UK

Hilton Hotel Harbor Island, San Diego, California, USA

October 3-6, 2004


The 7th MMNS conference brings together researchers and scientists from industry and academia researching and developing state-of-the-art management systems, while creating a public venue for results dissemination and intellectual collaboration. Providing keynote speakers, application sessions, workshop, and tutorials with a focus on network autonomics and new architectures in wireless systems and multimedia services.  A single-track conference, MMNS will provide participants with an intimate setting for industry and collegial discussion and debate.


The MMNS program committee is soliciting original papers describing research in the area of management of multimedia networks and services. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


• Network autonomics & autonomous systems

• Adaptive computing systems

• Wireless and mobile multimedia network management

• Ad-hoc and Sensor networks

• Distributed multimedia service management

• End-to-end IP multimedia management

• Converged communications (VoIP) service management

• Active multimedia network management

• Multimedia session management

• Video, streaming, real-time video service management

• Middleware, reflective systems support for management

• Multimedia traffic management

• Multimedia content protection

• Large-scale monitoring and provisioning systems

• Policy-based management

• Network programmability for multimedia services

• Trustworthy & survivable systems

• Quality of service management

• Resource, performance and fault management

• Multi-point, multicast services management

• Deployment of multimedia services

• Traffic engineering and optimization

• Network management models and architectures

• Billing and security for multi-media services

• Content distribution networking

• RFID-based management systems

• Cable multimedia network management

• Optical multimedia network management


MMNS 2004 Keynote Speakers:

§         Pertti Alapuranen,  Mesh Networks, Inc., USA

§         Patrick Reilly, Intel Corporation, USA


Application Sessions:

This year, MMNS 2004 Program will solicit industrial contributions and hold sessions featuring selected talks in the main topic areas for this year’s conference:

§         Network autonomics

§         New architectures in wireless systems and multimedia services



MMNS 2004 Program will offer tutorials pertaining to application adaptability, multimedia security, multimedia traffic and measurement, and wireless IP QOS.



Title: E2EMON End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services

After a very successful Workshop in 2003, E2EMON will continue as part MMNS 2004. Workshop papers in the area of end-to-end monitoring are solicited.


***Student Stipends***

MMNS 2004 will award six student stipends to Best Student Papers. Stipends may be used towards conference fee and hotel stay.


Paper Submission:  Papers must be submitted electronically in postscript or PDF format.  Detailed instructions are provided on the conference web site, https://www.itsharenet.org/MMNS/Papers.


Sponsored by: Intel Corporation, IEEE, IEEE Communications Society, IFIP


For further information, please contact the co-chairs:

        John Vicente (john.vicente@intel.com) or David Hutchison (d.hutchison@lancaster.ac.uk)


Important dates:

Submission deadline:                April 30, 2004

Notification of acceptance:         June 29, 2004

Final version:                      July 30, 2004

MMNS04 Conference:                  October 3-6, 2004