Apologies if you've already received this information about the IFIP newsletter

From: Roger Johnson [mailto:rgj@dcs.bbk.ac.uk]
Sent: 24 March 2005 21:43
To: bramer; cockton; Dick Sizer; earnshaw; list; Nuseibeh; olle; Radford, Peter; samways
Subject: FW: IFIP Newsletter

You may be interested to see the attached.
Roger Johnson

From: owner-ifip_ga@ifip.or.at [mailto:owner-ifip_ga@ifip.or.at] On Behalf Of Eduard Dundler
Sent: 23 March 2005 13:26
To: ifip_ga@ifip.or.at; ifip_memsocs@ifip.or.at; ifip_editors@ifip.or.at; Brigitte Brauneis; Christine McKenzie
Subject: IFIP Newsletter

Dear IFIP members,


May I introduce to you the first issue of the reactivated IFIP newsletter in electronic format: “IFIP News”.

Basically it should appear at least quarterly.


“IFIP News” is only available on our web site at: http://www.ifip.or.at/newsletters/newsl.html

or following the path: www.ifip.or.at è click “Newsletter” on the right side.


The news are stored in PDF-format. It is not intended to create a printed version.


Please have a look on it and send your comments directly to me: eduard.dundler@ifip.or.at .


PS: Due to technical problems there is the disadvantage that the links are not „clickable“.


Best regards


Eduard Dundler


Eduard Dundler


Head of IFIP Secretariat

International Federation for Information Processing

Hofstrasse3 , A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria

Tel.:           +43 (0) 2236 73 616

Fax:          +43 (0) 2236 73 616 9


e-mail:      eduard.dundler@ifip.or.at

URL:         http://www.ifip.org




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