
                                  Second Call for Registration


                              The Third IFIP Conference on

                   E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government – I3E2003

                         21-24 de Setembro de 2003, São PauloBrazil

                              Casa Grande Hotel, Guarujá,  SP



                         Tel Nr. +19 3282 6000      Fax No. +19 3282 2006 

                                   eMail: ifipbr_2003@cenpra.gov.br







Keynote 1: “Towards I-centric Communications Systems: A new dimension of the

  future services”, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Popescu-Zeletin,  GMD-FOKUS/TU-Berlin

Keynote 2:  The Semantic Web: Methods, Applications and Future Trends”, Prof.

  Dr. Rudi Studer, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Keynote 3: “e-Government – a roadmap for progress”, Prof. Dr. Roland Traunmüller,

  Linz University, Austria

Keynote 4:  E-Cars - Communication on the Road,” Dr. Ralf Guido Herrtwich,

  Daimler Chrysler AG, Germany

Keynote 5: “eGovernment Technologies and Policies in FP6” Dr. Rosalie Zobel,

  DG Information Society, European Commission

Keynote 6:  e-Society: myth, strategy, implementation, reality –and what comes next?”,

  Karl-Heinz Löper, Ministry of Interior, Land of Berlin, Germany

Keynote 7: “Mapping "Enterprise Business Architecture" to "Information Systems Framework",

  Mr. Masanori Kataoka, Hitachi INS Software, Ltd., Japan

Keynote 8:  Models for advanced e-service”s, Prof. Dr. Ir. Chris A. Vissers,

  Telematics Institute, Twente, Netherlands




About 50 papers selected by the International Program Committee, from more

then 20 countries, distributed in 17 sessions.




Tutorial T1: “Towards a Global Information Society”: Prof. Wojciech Cellary,

 (Poznan University of Economics, Polland

Tutorial T2: “Model-driven architecture: core technologies, models

 and application”,Dr. ir. Marten van Sinderen, Dr. Luís Ferreira Pires ,

 University of Twente, Netherlands

Tutorial T3: “XML in e-Business - Lessons learned from industrial use and

 challenges for the future”,  Dr. Michael Merz , Ponton Consulting GmbH, Germany

Tutorial T4: “Ontologies: Representation, Engineering, Learning and Applications”,

 Prof. Rudi Studer (FZI Research Center for Information Technologies), MSc.

 Raphael Volz (AIFB, Karlsruhe University), Germany

Tutorial T5: “Computational grids: architecture, technologies and applications”,

 Dr. Walfredo Cirne, MSc. Glaucimar da Silva Aguiar, Universidade Federal

 de Campina Grande, Brasil




Workshop WS1: e-Government - Best practice solutions and standardization activities

 Workshop Coordinators: Gerd Schürmann, FOKUS,Berlin,Dr. Michael Tschichholz, FOKUS,

 Berlin Dr. Evangellos Ouzunis, European Commission,

Workshop WS2: eBusiness: The role of information technology in supply chain management

 Workshop Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Sílvio R.I. Pires, UNIMEP-PPGEP, Brasil, 

 Prof. Dr. Rafael Alves, UNIMEP, Brasil, Prof. Dr. Paula Swatman, Koblenz

 University, Germany

Workshop WS3: e-Government and Citizenship, Best practices in health, education,

 security and governance

 Workshop Coordinators: Agnaldo do Carmo Lopes, PRODESP, Mauricio Moraes,PRODESP,


Workshop WS4: Digital citizenship: building new rights and looking for solutions

Coordinators: Sérgio Amadeu da Silveira  (ITI) ,Renato Silveira Martini. (ITI),


Workshop WS5: Electronic Governments: Innovation and Challenges

Coordinators: Ciro Fernandes, SLTI/MP, Brasil, Marcos Ozorio de Almeida,

 SLTI/MP, Brasil, Raimundo Costa, SERPRO, Brasil







Prof. Dr. Manuel de Jesus Mendes

Home Fax/Phone: +55-19-32874003

Mobile Phone: +55-19-9604 5003

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Prof. Dr. Manuel de Jesus Mendes
Home Fax/Phone: +55-19-32874003
Mobile Phone: +55-19-9604 5003
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