** We apologize for multiple copies **

Sponsors*: Technical Co-Sponsorship by IEEE TCCC and Nokia (*pending approval)
August 13 - 16, 2007
Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

ICCCN is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances
in the fields of Computer Communications and Networks. It also serves to foster communication among
researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in
improving communications and networking related techniques.
ICCCN 2007 presents a number of new exciting features:
* Distinguished Invited Talks: Sixteen world-class scientists are invited to deliver Distinguished
Position Talks on current status and future trends of various advanced research topics (see below for
* Chair Recommended Papers: A number of invited research papers with impressive outcomes on various
advanced research topics or cutting-edge techniques will be presented;
* Funding Forum: Funding organization officers, such as NSF/DARPA program managers, are invited to
deliver talks at the conference in order to enhance the communications between researchers and
funding organizations;
* Industry Forum: Senior officers from world-leading industry giants are invited to form a panel to
introduce the latest advances in industry and provide guidance for the future development foci and
interests from industrial point of view;
* Research Labs Panel: A demo panel to demonstrate the latest leading results from world-class
advanced research labs;
* Satellite Workshops: Five or more workshops are running in conjunction with the main conference on
special topics that are complement to the main theme of the ICCCN.
* New registration policy: To encourage more submissions, each registration can be covered up to TWO
accepted papers.

The primary focus of the conference is on new and original research results in the areas of design,
implementation, and applications of Computer Communications and Networks.  We invite you to submit
papers that present challenging and innovative results.  Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* Internet Services & Applications 
* Broadband Networking & Protocols
* Networking Algorithms & Performance Evaluation
* QoS Control & Traffic Modeling    
* Communications & Information Theory     
* Optical Networking
* Peer-to-Peer & Grid Networking
* Network Security
* Signal Processing for Communications
* Computer Architecture for Networking
* Wireless Communications
* Broadband Wireless Access
* Multimedia Communications
* Pervasive Computing & Mobile Networking
* Sensor & Ad-Hoc Networking
* Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
* Wireless & Mobile Network Architecture
* Emerging Technology & Standards
* Parallel & Distributed Computing

* Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2007
* Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2007
* Camera ready papers due: June 1, 2007

Submitted manuscripts must be of length up to 6 pages unless the authors are willing to pay the
over-length charges at the time of publication (any manuscripts may NOT exceed 8 pages). The
manuscripts must be submitted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font). Files
should be submitted in PDF format and formatted for 8.5x11-inch paper. Submitted papers may NOT have
appeared in, nor be under consideration for, another journal or conference.  The Program Committee
reserves the right to NOT review papers that either exceed the above length specification or have
been submitted or published elsewhere. Submissions must include the title, abstract, keywords,
author(s) and affiliation, e-mail address(es), fax/phone number(s), and postal address(es).  In case
of multiple authors, indicate which author is responsible for correspondence about the submission.

All submitted papers will be reviewed and judged on originality, correctness, relevance, quality of
presentation, and technical strength and significance. An accepted paper must be registered and
presented by one of the authors at the conference venue and must be limited to 6 pages (with an
allowance of up to two extra pages at a cost of US$150 per extra page beyond 6 pages) in standard
IEEE camera-ready format. Each registered author is allowed to cover up to TWO of his/her own papers.

STUDENT FORUM: We encourage submissions from students. Travel assistance may be available for
students with top quality papers.

BEST PAPER AWARD: ICCCN07 plans to award one best paper and authors of the paper will be recognized at the conference.

WORKSHOPS: ICCCN07 features satellite workshops.  Workshop proposals should be submitted to the
workshops chair, Dr. Xiaobo Zhou at zbo@cs.uccs.edu. The details of Call for Workshop Proposals can
be found at ICCCN2007 Web site.

Please contact the Technical Program Chair below with any questions:
Dr. Haohong Wang, ICCCN07 Program Chair
Marvell Semiconductors
5488 Marvell Lane,
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: +1-408-222-9779; Fax: +1-408-222-0622

Prof. Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA (IEEE Distinguished Lecturer)
Area: Network Security
Title: Tracing and mitigating distributed denial of service attacks
Prof. Vincent W.S. Chan, MIT, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Optimal Networking
Title: Future optical networks
Prof. Changwen Chen, Florida Institute of Technology, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Networked Media Streaming
Dr. Roch Glitho, Ericsson, Canada (IEEE Distinguished Lecturer)
Areas: Services and Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Title: Conferencing applications and Services in mobile ad hoc networks: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
Prof. Wu-chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
Area: High-performance networking
Title: Ethernet vs. Ethernot: Fad or Fashion?
Prof. Aggelos Katsaggelos, Northwestern University, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Multimedia Communications and Cross-Layer Optimization
Prof. Bob Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Network coding
Title: Network coding - Theory and Applications
Prof. Biswanath Mukherjee, University of California, Davis, USA            
Area: Optical Networks
Dr. Zhen Liu, IBM Research, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Networking performance modeling and analysis
Prof. Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University, USA
Area: Resilience and network security
Dr. Debanjan Saha, IBM Research, USA
Area: Internet Services and Applications
Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Area: Ad-hoc and sensor networks
Title: Sensor actuator networking: Merging wireless sensor and ad hoc networks
Prof. Moe Win, MIT, USA (IEEE Fellow)
Area: Ultra-Wideband Radio Communications
Prof. Xiang-Gen Xia, University of Delaware, USA
Area: Signal processing for Communications
Title: Space-time coding for MIMO and Cooperative Systems
Dr. Raj Yavatkar, Intel, USA (Intel Fellow)
Area: Network Processing

Dr. Fred Kitson, Motorola Labs, USA (Vice President)
Dr. Minoru Etoh, Docomo USA Labs, USA (Vice President)
Dr. Klara Nahrstedt, NONET Research Group, UIUC, USA (Director)
Dr. Aggelos Katsaggelos, Motorola Center for Communications Research (Director, IEEE Fellow)
Dr. Changwen Chen, Wireless Center of Excellence, FIT, USA (Director, IEEE Fellow)

Organizing Committee Chair:  E. K. Park, University of Missouri, USA
General Chair: Katherine Guo, Lucent Bell Labs, USA
Technical Program Chair: Haohong Wang, Marvell Semiconductors, USA
Program Vice-Chairs: Byrav Ramamurthy, University of Nebraska, USA
                     Gary Chan, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China
                     Song Ci, University of Nebraska, USA
                     Sambit Sahu, IBM Research, USA
Industry Liaison Chair: Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm, USA
Panel Co-Chairs: Zhu Li, Motorola Labs, USA
                 Xi Zhang, Texas A&M University, USA
Workshop Co-Chairs: Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
                    Giuseppe Anastasi, University of Pisa, Italy
Publicity Co-Chairs: Junqing Chen, Micron, USA
                     Stephan Yang, National Central University, Taiwan
Publication Chair: E. K. Park, University of Missouri, USA
Local Arrangement Chair: Ying-Fei Dong, University of Hawaii, USA

Symposia/Track Chair/Co-Chairs:
(1) Signal Processing for Communications
Co-Chairs: Jane Wang, University of British Columbia, Canada
           Weifeng Su, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
(2) Computer Architecture for Networking and Communications
Chair: Jun Yang, University of Pittsburg, USA
(3) Wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks
Co-Chairs: Jun-hong Cui, University of Connecticut, USA
           Tian He, University of Minnesota, USA
(4) Cross-layer design and optimization
Chair: Lavy Libman, National ICT Australia, Australia
(5) Wireless and mobile network architecture
Co-Chairs: Guangbin Fan, Intel Research, China
           Shigang Chen, University of Florida, USA
(6) Emerging networking techniques and standards
Chair: Xingang Gu, Intel, USA
(7) Wireless communications
Co-Chairs: Angela Yingjun Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
           Melissa Meixia Tao, National University of Singapore, Singapore
(8) Broadband wireless access
Co-Chairs: Daniel Wong, Malyasia University of Science and Technology, Malaysia
           Chia-Chin Chong, NTT DoCoMo Labs, USA
(9) Multimedia over wireless and mixed networks
Co-Chairs: Zhu Li, Motorola Research lab, USA
           Jin Li, Microsoft Research, USA
(10) Pervasive computing and mobile networking
Co-Chairs: Jacky Shen, Microsoft Research Asia, China
           Linda Jiang Xie, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
(11) Optical networking
Co-Chairs: Galen Sasaki, University of Hawaii, USA
           Vinod Vokkarane, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, USA
(12) Peer-to-Peer and Grid networking
Co-Chairs: Micah Beck, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
           Lisong Xu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
(13) Network security
Co-Chairs: K. P. Subbalakshmi, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
           Minaxi Gupta, Indiana University, USA
(14) Internet services and applications
Chair: Qusay H. Mahmoud, University of Guelph, Canada
(15) Network algorithms and performance evaluation
Co-Chairs: Zhenhai Duan, Florida State University, USA
           Kartik Gopalan, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA
(16) Broadband networking and protocols
Chair: Chin-Tser Huang, University of South Carolina, USA
       Ra’ed Awdeh, Sharjah University, UAE
(17) QoS control and traffic modeling
Chair: Hideki Tode, Osaka University, Japan
(18) Communication and Information Theory
Chair: Sriram Vishwanath, University of Texas at Austin, USA
(19) Parallel and Distributed Computing
Chair: Yanyong Zhang, Rutgers University, USA
       Eun Jung Kim, Texas A&M University, USA
(20) General Track
Co-Chairs: Behcet Sarikaya, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
           Arunita Jaekel, University of Windsor, Canada

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