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Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility

IFIP TC6 Conference, sponsored by WG6.2 (Network and Internetwork Architectures), WG6.6 (Management of Networks and Distributed Systems), WG6.7 (Smart Networks) and WG6.8 (Mobile and Wireless Communications)

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

November 1 – 5, 2004



R. Puigjaner (Universitat Illes Balears, Spain)


D. Gaïti (University of Troyes, FR)

S. Galmés (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)


A. Casaca (INESC, PT)

A.A. Lazar (Columbia University, US)

Al-Naamany (Sultan Qaboos University, OM)

O. Martikainen (Micsom, SF)

G. Pujolle (LIP6, FR)

J. Slavik (Testcom, CZ)

O. Spaniol (RWT Aachen, DE)


J.-L. Ferrer (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)


B. Serra (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)


A. Al-Naamany (Sultan Qabous University, OM)

F. Arve Aagesen (Norwegian University, NO)

G. Bianchi (Universita di Palermo, IT)

A. Benzekri (Université Paul Sabatier, FR)

C. Blondia (Univestiy of Antwerpen, BE)

R. Boutaba (University of Waterloo, CA)

A. Casaca (INESC, PT)

O. Cherkaoui (UQAM, CA)

W. Dabbous (INRIA, FR)

F. Davoli (Univesita di Genova, IT)

J. Domingo (Universitat Politècnica Catalunya, ES)

O. Duarte (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, BR)

A. El Sherbini (National Telecommunication Inst. EG)

J. Escobar (Centauritech, PA)

L. Fratta (Politecnico de Milano, IT)

G. Haring (Wien Univeristät, AT)

D-Y. Hu (Inst. of Network Technology, CN)

L. Huguet (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)

V. B. Iversen (Technical University of Denmark, DK)

F. Kamoun (Université La Manouba, TU)

U. Korner (Lund University, SE)

G. Leduc (Université de Liège, BE)

G. Omidyar (Institute for Communications Research, SG)

G. Pacifici (IBM - US)

H. Perros (North Carolina State University, US)

G. Pujolle (LIP6, FR)

F.J. Quiles (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, ES)

T. Saito (Toyota, JP)

B. Serra (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)

J. Slavik (Testcom, CZ)

O. Spaniol (RWT Aachen, DE)

Y. Stavrakakis (Universtiy of Athens, GR

Y. Takahashi (Kyoto University, JP))

F. Tobagi (Stanford University, US)


L. Carrasco (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)

I. Furió (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)

M. Payeras (Universitat Illes Balears, ES)


The intention of the conference is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and findings in a wide range of areas related to network control and network engineering with a focus on QoS, security and mobility control. Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to, the following:



Policy-based management architecture

Programmable network and Active networks

Intelligent agent

QoS Control  and QoS Engineering

Traffic measurements and monitoring, Traffic engineering in converging networks

Traffic modeling and simulation

Quality of Service provisioning, Network planning and optimization

Process, methodologies, and tools for network control

Policy models for system management, Provisioning of policies

Policy frameworks for active networks, mobile systems, e-commerce

Integrating policies into existing systems and environments

Business rules and organizational control

Extensions and refinements to policy standards

Distributed game control

Case studies of applying policy-based technologies


Security control and Security engineering


Configurable security policies

Cryptography protocols

Policy models for security

Distributed trusted infrastructure

Water marking for flow control


Mobility control and mobility engineering

Policy models for mobility

Pervasive/ubiquitous/wearable mobile systems

Security and privacy issues for mobile and wireless systems

Mobility and QoS management

Control schemes in ad-hoc networks

Personal area networks QoS and security

IEEE 802.11 engineering

Smart devices

Smart cards, security and mobility



Submissions should be original and limited to 20 double spaced 12 point pages in length. Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically in PDF to the following address: URL: http://netcon04.uib.es

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Kluwer.


Important deadlines

April 30, 2004  Papers due

May 15, 2004  Tutorial proposals due

June 15, 2004  Authors notified of acceptance

July 15, 2004  Final papers due


Further information

For more information please visit the web site at: http://netcon04.uib.es or contact us netcon04@uib.es