So it seems that the "TC6 journal"  is somehow
happening. Good news !!


On 3/7/06, Otto Spaniol <> wrote:
Dear all,
>I just received word that Springer has agreed to a trial with IFIP
>The description of the program is described in the attachment.  It even
>I found registration a bit awkward for problems that I do not understand.
>But after finally being registered, one has, at this point, access to some
>twenty-three IFIP conference proceedings.  I have successfully downloaded
>a pdf version of one of  our papers.
>I will append the text of the announcement at the end of this note.  The
>trial will last for one year.
>I have no idea how all of  this happened.  I am copying Otto; perhaps he
>can explain.
Yes, this was discussed and presented at the publication committee meeting
at the occasion of the IFIP council from where I'm just returning.
I got a printed version of the advertising sheet but I attach
it for everybody once more (see attachment).
Nevertheless, things with Springer are far from being perfect (even
if they are improving slightly).

The way to IFIP DL was discussed in much detail. There are three steps

1. An archive
   (to be maintained by IFIP itself as a collection of CD's or so;
   interestingly, Springer would be willing to do that; but IFIP
   secretariat believe that it can be done there practically
   without any cost - and of course with no particular service quality).

2. A basic digital library (renamed from the original wording
   "electronic repository" according to the suggestions
   made by TC6, particular thanks to Harry Rudin  and to Peter Radford!).
   Interestingly enough, Springer is not at all interested in that.
   It was also unclear whether this basic digital library should also include
   some other material than the papers, e.g. conference announcements
   which would be deleted after the conference has happened.
   Nobody had the slightest idea about cost and how, when and where
   to make a bid for such a basic DL.
   Also copyright issues and linking to Springer (if somebody
   else operates the basic DL) were fully unsolved and unsolvable
   since of course Jennifer's mandate was only the mandate to stay
   negative if a critical issue comes up.
   So things ended once more without any concrete plan; IFIP is
   little more than a collection of low-qualified bureaucrats!
   But bureaucrats who cann at least appreciate the positive things
   of an excellent dinner - such a dinner was organised by our host
   Ramon Puigjaner who really did an absolutely great job!!

3. A "real" DL - which is of course even more in the nirwana
   than the basic DL.

On the more positive side:
The "sleeping pill" Jennifer Evans has been upgraded so much in the
Springer hierarchy that she cannot do any further harm. The real
business will be done from now on by Amy Brais
Please contact Amy whenever you have a publication problem.
I'm confident that she will do a much better job.

(for Guy Pujolle and Harry Perros !!!):
I tried to cut the Gordian knot concerning the "TC6 journal".
Amy Brais told me that she waits desparately for a message from
Guy and/or Harry. She said that she had send out such a inquiry
but had never received an answer. What she would like to have
are aims and scopes of the journal and maybe a concrete plan
about how the journal might be installed.
So this ball is now on our side (Springer is not guilty for
themoment being). We have to plack the ball back.
Guy and Harry: Please do it!

Best regards

ifip-tc6 mailing list

Prof. José Neuman de Souza, Dr.
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