Dear FSC Professors,


Last week I asked you individually to submit project outlines for the follow-up proposal. The feedback was deliberately kept relatively open in order to restrict your creativity as little as possible. Accordingly, the project structure is still relatively open and I was unable to provide you with a detailed project overview. However, to make it easier for you to coordinate possible collaborations, I have at least tried to show the allocation of the PIs to the Strategic Research Areas in the attached pdf. For the purpose of completeness, I have also made a preliminary overview of the Supporting Structure - although some of these have not yet been finalized.


I would also like to ask you, in the case of "half" projects, to prepare a separate project outline for each “half” and, if necessary, to refer to the other half as cooperation.  This will then make it easier for us to consolidate the overall project description.


Thank you very much and have a relaxing holiday season.


Best regards






Dr.-Ing. Bastian Lehrheuer
Oberingenieur Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme (TME)

Geschäftsführer Exzellenzcluster „The Fuel Science Center” (FSC)


RWTH Aachen University

Fuel Science Center

Schinkelstraße 8

52062 Aachen

Telefon: +49 241 80 95352

Mobil: +49 151 56643608


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