Postdoc in automata and concurrency theory, University of Warsaw
We invite applications of motivated and research-focused individuals to
carry out research on mathematical models of concurrent systems as part
of the NCN project "Frontiers of automatic analysis of concurrent systems".
The project aims at advancing theoretical foundations at the borderline
between automata theory, concurrency and formal verification.
- Application deadline: 30 Sept 2024
- Starting date: Jan 2025 or earlier
- Duration: one year
- Principal investigator: Sławomir Lasota (www.mimuw.edu.pl/~sl)
- Contact: sl(a)mimuw.edu.pl
The successful candidate will be hosted by the automata theory group
at the University of Warsaw, offering:
- a vibrant working atmosphere,
- exciting and challenging research problems,
- competitive salary,
- scientific collaborations worldwide.
The ideal candidate is expected to have:
- PhD degree or equivalent in computer science or math
- solid background in formal methods or automata theory
- excellent publication record
- strong motivation for research work in foundations of computer science
- advanced skills in written and spoken English.
For details of application and recruitment procedure, please contact
Sławomir Lasota at sl(a)mimuw.edu.pl
[feel free to circulate; apologies for cross/multiple postings]
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the advert for up to five posts of Research Associates at
Lancaster University - School of Computing and Communications.
Deadline 15/9.
Kind regards,
Dr Marco Caminati | Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Computer Science
Lancaster University Leipzig
room 604 | Strohsack-Passage
Nikolaistraße 10 | 04109 Leipzig | Germany
Landline: +49 341 339 77 646
GPS: 51.3410, 12.3782
* PhD position in Quantitative logics and complexity theory
* University of Sheffield, UK
* Fully funded for 3.5 years (both UK Home and International rates)
* Possible times to start: preferably February 2025 or earlier
I am looking for a motivated PhD student to join the Foundations of Computation group (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cs/research/groups/foundations-computation) of The University of Sheffield (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cs). The topic of the PhD project is quite flexible, but should relate to my current research directions in quantitative logics and complexity theory. Here possible directions are temporal logics, logical foundations of neural networks, and logical foundations of database theory (for more details: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DJK909/phd-studentship-quantitative-logics-and-c…).
This PhD studentship will fund the full (UK or Overseas) tuition fee and provide a tax-free stipend at the standard UKRI rate (currently £19,237 for 2024/25) for 3.5 years. In addition, both the Department and research group provide funding for attending conferences.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me directly by email for further details (j.t.virtema(a)sheffield.ac.uk). For more details on the possible topics, the candidate may refer to my recent works at http://www.virtema.fi/.
Best wishes,
Dear all,
at the Department of Mathematics of TU Darmstadt there is an opening for
a tenure-track Assistant Professorship (W2tt) for Pure Mathematics, for
details see
The research focus of the professorship should be in one of the areas:
* Logic with connections to theoretical computer science, or
* Discrete algorithmic mathematics,
* Graph theory/combinatorics.
Kord Eickmeyer
PD Dr. Kord Eickmeyer
TU Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik, AG Logik
Schlossgartenstr. 7, Raum 204, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
phone: +49 6151 22864
Call for Papers
ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
Dates: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India
Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
EasyChair CFP page: https://easychair.org/cfp/icla2025
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025
Abstract registration deadline (extended): Aug 29, 2024 AoE
Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024 AoE
About the conference
The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary
conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum
for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal
logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics,
Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special
feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the
Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. Details of the
previous ICLA 2023 can be found at [2], and those of the earlier editions
of the conference at the ALI website.
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] https://icla2023.iiti.ac.in/
The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take
place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata during February 3
-- 5, 2025.
ICLA 2025 features
* Best paper and best student paper awards;
* Two kinds of contributed papers:
- Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that
will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [3]. The review
process for these abstracts will involve a rebuttal phase;
- Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference;
* Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission
to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course);
* ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on
Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in
India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025.
Events: Main conference and co-located workshops
+ Main conference: ICLA 2025:
- Date: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
- Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [4]
- Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/
+ Co-located workshop: AWPL 2025:
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5]
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
[4] https://www.isical.ac.in/
[5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/
Important dates
All dates below are AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
- Abstract registration deadline: Aug 29, 2024 (earlier: Aug 25, 2024)
- Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024
- Rebuttal period: Oct 7 -- Oct 11, 2024
- Notification to authors: Oct 25, 2024
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research in any area of logic and its applications. Please see below for a
detailed list of topics.
EasyChair submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025
Common guidelines for all submissions
1) A submission must either be an extended abstract or a short abstract.
2) Submissions must be in electronic form, and must be submitted through
EasyChair via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025.
3) Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient details to
allow the program committee to assess their merits. Each submission must be
a single PDF file.
4) Submissions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind process.
5) Submissions authored or co-authored by PC members are allowed. PC member
submissions will however be subject to a higher level of scrutiny than
other submissions.
6) For an accepted submission, one of the authors must commit to presenting
it at the conference either in person or online.
Additional guidelines for extended abstracts
1) The submission should not exceed 12 pages excluding references, and
should adhere to the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX2e style [SV].
Detailed proofs of technical results or other supplementary material, if
necessary, can be included in a clearly marked appendix or made available
via pointers to technical reports which may be read at the discretion of
the programme committee. There is no restriction on the length of the
2) Submissions of previously published works, or concurrent submissions to
journals or to other conferences with proceedings, are not allowed. The
authors can however make full versions of their submissions available at
online repositories such as ArXiv, HAL and ECCC.
3) During the reviewing, there will be a rebuttal phase for extended
abstracts which would give the authors an opportunity to respond to the
initial reviews. Instructions related to the rebuttal will be communicated
to the authors before the rebuttal period.
4) Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference
proceedings which will appear in the FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language
and Information [FoL], a sub-series of Springer LNCS.
Additional guidelines for short abstracts
1) The submission should be about a page in length describing the main
results of the work. Pointers to technical reports detailing the results
can be provided.
2) There will be no rebuttal phase for short abstracts.
3) Accepted short abstracts will not be published in the conference
proceedings. They will however be made available on the conference website.
Submission Topics
The submission topics include, but are not limited to, the following.
Submissions of interdisciplinary nature are especially encouraged.
+ Algorithmic randomness, category theory, descriptive set theory,
foundations of mathematics, homotopy type theory, logical aspects of
topology, model theory, recursion theory, reverse mathematics, universal
+ Belief change and revision, deontic logics, description logics, dynamic
epistemic logic, first order modal logic, formal epistemology, imperative
logics, logic and artificial intelligence, logic in decision and game
theory, logic and social choice theory, logic and social cognition, logic
and social software, logic for information, logic for probability and
uncertainty, modal logic – algebraic, algorithmic, category theoretic and
model theoretic aspects, multi-agent systems, normative reasoning,
provability logics
+ Automata theory and logic, category theory in computer science, logic and
algebraic methods, logic and concurrency, logic and games, logic and
quantum computing, probabilistic logics and stochastic processes,
transductions, two-variable logics, well quasi orders
+ Automated reasoning, formal analysis of programs, formal verification and
synthesis, hyperproperties, logic in industrial applications, logic in
security and privacy, programming language semantics, real time logics,
temporal logics, theory and applications of SAT and SMT solvers and theorem
provers, software/app development for logic
+ Algorithmic meta theorems, comonads in finite model theory, decision
procedures for logics, definable functions on relational structures, logic
and computational complexity, logic and constraint satisfaction problems,
logic and databases, logic and graph structure theory, logic and machine
learning, many valued logics in finite model theory, proof complexity,
stability theory over finite structures
+ History of logic – Indian, Chinese and Western and comparative studies,
Indian philosophical systems: Buddhism, Jainism, Mīmāṃsa and Nyāya,
interaction of classical logic with other logics, many valued logics and
their applications, non-monotonic logics, paraconsistency, particular
systems of logic
+ General tools and frameworks for logical systems, Large Language Models
(LLMs) – cognitive aspects and impact on society, logic and cognitive
science, logic in education, logic and ethics in artificial intelligence,
logic in law, logic and linguistics, logic and metaphysics, logic and
philosophy of mathematics, logic and philosophy of science, philosophical
issues of logical systems, philosophy of language
The following awards will be given to selected contributed papers during
the conference:
- Best paper award
- Best student paper award
All the authors in any paper considered for the best student paper award
must be students at the time of submission of the paper. Please note that
it is possible for neither of these awards to be given in the event that
none of the submitted papers meet the requisite standards.
Programme Committee
C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
Nikhil Balaji (IIT Delhi, India)
Rupa Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Sanjukta Basu (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Sankha Basu (IIIT Delhi, India)
Michael Benedikt (University of Oxford, UK)
Kuntala Bhattacharya (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Madhumita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Tran Chieu-Minh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Deepak D’Souza (IISc Bangalore, India)
Anupam Das (University of Birmingham, UK)
Huimin Dong (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT, France)
Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
Shibashis Guha (TIFR Mumbai, India)
Petr Hliněný (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Purbita Jana (Madras School of Economics, India)
Roman Kuznets (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Moritz Lichter (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Amaldev Manuel (IIT Goa, India)
Gayatri Panicker (Vellore Institute of Technology, India)
Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA)
R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Krishna S (IIT Bombay, India)
Abhisekh Sankaran (TCS Research, India)
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India)
Sylvain Schmitz (IRIF Paris, France)
Chenwei Shi (Tsinghua University, China)
Stephen G Simpson (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Slawomir Solecki (Cornell University, USA)
Shichang Song (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
Vaishnavi Sundararajan (IIT Delhi, India)
Sergei Starchenko (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Sourav Tarafder (St. Xavier's College Kolkata, India)
Ramanathan S Thinniyam (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Jouko Väänänen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Invited Speakers
Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel)
Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
More speaker confirmations are awaited.
Organizing Committee Chairs
Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata)
Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai)
Co-located Workshops
Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL)
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
For any queries or suggestions, feel free to write to:
More information and updates about the conference can be found at:
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.
Please, pass it on to interested colleagues.
PhD Symposium iFM 2024 - Final Call for Papers (Extended Deadline)
19th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods
12 November 2024, Manchester, United Kingdom
Paper submission (EXTENDED): 30 Aug 2024 (AoE)
Author notification: 22 Sep 2024 (AoE)
Camera-ready: 7 Oct 2024 (AoE)
Early registration: until 19 Oct 2024
Symposium date: 12 Nov 2024
The iFM PhD symposium provides PhD students an opportunity to present
and discuss their research in the fields of theory, implementation,
integration or application of formal methods.
PhD students and young researchers at an early career stage (up to 2
years after PhD completion).
Participants will have the possibility to present their research
projects. Moreover: The doctoral symposium offers an excellent
opportunity to introduce your work to fellow researchers in an
international setting, and to get feedback from senior researchers in
the field. The doctoral symposium lets you exchange knowledge and
experiences with fellow PhD-students in a related topic -- both
regarding research and regarding working towards an PhD.
There are several options for your submission:
1 _Thesis Proposal Abstracts_ summarize your research questions and
outline your planned approach without needing to report experimental
results. They are ideal for early-stage PhD students to get feedback on
their research project during the initial planing and orientation phase.
Abstracts have 2-3 pages, co-authors are allowed, and results may have
been published previously if appropriately referenced. Indicate if also
submitted to iFM2024.
2 _Result Reports_ are short papers summarizing preliminary results of
early-stage research. Result Reports are short papers summarizing
preliminary results of early-stage research. They should objectively
report the addressed question, applied methods, and obtained results.
Papers on unexpected results or ineffective methods are particularly
welcome. Result Reports have 3-6 pages, co-authors are allowed, the work
must be previously unpublished.
3 _Master summaries_ are short papers summarizing the research question,
method, and results of your impactful Master's thesis together with a
discussion about possible next research steps. They are ideal for new
and future PhD students to communicate their thesis results. Master
reports have 2-3 pages, an experienced supervisor should be a co-author,
and results may have been published previously if appropriately
referenced. Indicate if also submitted to iFM2024.
All submissions will be reviewed and accepted papers will be made
publicly available in open-access online symposium proceedings.
Multiple submissions by one author are not permitted. Submissions must
be written in English and follow the CEUR-WS single-column formatting
guidelines, available at:
or on overleaf
Please submit your contribution electronically in PDF via the EasyChair
All submissions will be peer reviewed, and will be evaluated based on
their clarity and their potential to generate interesting discussions.
Authors will get valuable feedback from more experienced reviewers. All
types of contributions will benefit from feedback received during a
dicussion at the workshop.
Reviewing will be single blind, i.e, submissions need not be anonymized.
Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Ștefan Ciobâcă, UAIC Iași, Romania
Mădălina Eraşcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania (co‑chair)
Grigory Fedyukovich, Floria State University, USA
Asmae Heydari Tabar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Eduard Kamburjan, University of Oslo, Norway
Banjamin Lucien Kaminski, Saarland University and University College
London, UK
Gergely Kovásznai, Eszterházy Károly University Egar, Hungary
Ondrej Lengal, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Luigia Petre, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Philipp Rümmer, University of Regensburg, Germany
Nestan Tsiskaridze, Stanford University, USA
Mattias Ulbrich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (co‑chair)
available on the web pages:
As you may know, the Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
(ICLA) is a biennial international conference conducted by the Association
for Logic in India (ALI; https://logicindia.org). The conference spans a
wide range of themes in logic as pursued in Mathematics, Philosophy and
Computer Science. Here are the links to the previous two editions of ICLA:
https://icla2023.iiti.ac.in/ (ICLA '23) and
https://www.isichennai.res.in/~sujata/icla2021/ (ICLA '21).
The forthcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference which will
take place at the Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata during Feb 3 -- 5,
2025. We have included various special features in the conference this time,
and have also broadened the set of submission topics to include many new
themes in all three disciplines of math, philosophy, and CS.
Please find below the links to the ICLA webpage and its EasyChair CFP page.
ICLA 2025 webpage: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
EasyChair CFP page: https://easychair.org/cfp/icla2025
Vardi-list mailing list
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this open position **
A fully funded research and teaching position with the opportunity of undertaking a PhD at the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield is available. Candidates within the scope of the Foundation of Computation (FOX) Group are in particular encouraged to apply:
The FOX research group at Sheffield is growing rapidly. This post provides excellent opportunities for a graduate student (UK and overseas) to obtain a PhD in any active research area of the group (see below the research interests of potential supervisors).
The post is a fully funded salaried position for six years, 60% of your time will be dedicated to research, with the remaining 40% allocated to teaching.
For more detailed information (including roles and responsibilities), please see
For details on possible supervisors, research projects, and any informal enquiries, please contact the respective faculty members by email:
Dr. Charles Grellois (c.grellois(a)sheffield.ac.uk)
Dr. Maksim Zhukovskii (m.zhukovskii(a)sheffield.ac.uk)
Dr. Jonni Virtema (j.t.virtema(a)sheffield.ac.uk)
Dr. Harsh Beohar (h.beohar(a)sheffield.ac.uk)
Dr. Charles Grellois is mainly interested in the verification of functional programs, would they be deterministic or probabilistic. He has worked on higher-order model-checking in the deterministic case, and on higher-order termination analysis in the probabilistic case. These approaches use techniques from linear logic and its models, category theory, (intersection) type theory, tree automata theory, probabilistic semantics, realizability… Several interesting questions are still open so that several different PhD projects could be discussed on these topics; but he is also open to other research topics in this area, to be discussed with the prospective student.
Dr. Maksim Zhukovskii is interested in combinatorics, probability, logic, computational and descriptive complexity. Currently Maksim is working on variety of topics including extremal combinatorics (Turan-type questions, saturation, colourings, etc), random graphs (thresholds, limiting distributions, logical limit laws, almost sure theories), average-case complexity (canonical labelling of random graphs, search problems in random graphs, reconstruction problems), enumerative combinatorics (random regular graphs, degree sequences), algebraic combinatorics (Cayley graphs, isomorphism problem for abelian groups, matroids), random walks, first order logic and expressive power of its fragments, second order logic and modal logic. See https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sd_xBDQAAAAJ for the list of publications.
Dr. Jonni Virtema is keen to supervise students in any area of his current research, which relate to the interplay of logic and complexity theory. Current topics include logics and complexity theory related to numerical data, and temporal logics designed to express so-called hyperproperties, which are important in information flow and security. A further emerging topic is to study foundations of neural networks using the machinery of logics and complexity theory related to numerical data. See http://www.virtema.fi/ for further details.
Dr. Harsh Beohar is broadly interested in comparative concurrency semantics and in the interplay of category theory, logic, and semantics. Current topics include expressive modal logics, behavioural equivalence games, synthesising distinguishing/characteristic formulae all at the level of coalgebras. See https://dblp.org/pid/13/7482.html for an uptodate list of publications.
Call for Papers
ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
Dates: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India
Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025
EasyChair CFP page: https://easychair.org/cfp/icla2025
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025
Abstract registration deadline: Aug 25, 2024 AoE
Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024 AoE
About the conference
The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary
conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum
for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal
logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics,
Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special
feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the
Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. Details of the
previous ICLA 2023 can be found at [2], and those of the earlier editions
of the conference at the ALI website.
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] https://icla2023.iiti.ac.in/
The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take
place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata during February 3
-- 5, 2025.
ICLA 2025 features
* Best paper and best student paper awards;
* Two kinds of contributed papers:
- Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that
will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [3]. The review
process for these abstracts will involve a rebuttal phase;
- Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference;
* Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission
to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course);
* ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on
Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in
India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025.
Events: Main conference and co-located workshops
+ Main conference: ICLA 2025:
- Date: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
- Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [4]
- Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/
+ Co-located workshop: AWPL 2025:
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5]
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
[4] https://www.isical.ac.in/
[5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/
Important dates
All dates below are AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
- Deadline for abstract of submission: Aug 25, 2024 (earlier: Aug 11, 2024)
- Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024 (earlier: Aug 15, 2024)
- Rebuttal period: Oct 7 -- Oct 11, 2024 (earlier: Sep 23 -- Sep 28, 2024)
- Notification to authors: Oct 25, 2024 (earlier: 18 Oct, 2024)
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research in any area of logic and its applications. Please see below for a
detailed list of topics.
EasyChair submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025
Common guidelines for all submissions
1) A submission must either be an extended abstract or a short abstract.
2) Submissions must be in electronic form, and must be submitted through
Easychair via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025.
3) Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient details to
allow the program committee to assess their merits. Each submission must be
a single PDF file.
4) Submissions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind process.
5) Submissions authored or co-authored by PC members are allowed. PC member
submissions will however be subject to a higher level of scrutiny than
other submissions.
6) For an accepted submission, one of the authors must commit to presenting
it at the conference either in person or online.
Additional guidelines for extended abstracts
1) The submission should not exceed 12 pages excluding references, and
should adhere to the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX2e style [SV].
Detailed proofs of technical results or other supplementary material, if
necessary, can be included in a clearly marked appendix or made available
via pointers to technical reports which may be read at the discretion of
the programme committee. There is no restriction on the length of the
2) Submissions of previously published works, or concurrent submissions to
journals or to other conferences with proceedings, are not allowed. The
authors can however make full versions of their submissions available at
online repositories such as ArXiv, HAL and ECCC.
3) During the reviewing, there will be a rebuttal phase for extended
abstracts which would give the authors an opportunity to respond to the
initial reviews. Instructions related to the rebuttal will be communicated
to the authors before the rebuttal period.
4) Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference
proceedings which will appear in the FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language
and Information [FoL], a sub-series of Springer LNCS.
Additional guidelines for short abstracts
1) The submission should be about a page in length describing the main
results of the work. Pointers to technical reports detailing the results
can be provided.
2) There will be no rebuttal phase for short abstracts.
3) Accepted short abstracts will not be published in the conference
proceedings. They will however be made available on the conference website.
Submission Topics
The submission topics include, but are not limited to, the following.
Submissions of interdisciplinary nature are especially encouraged.
+ Algorithmic randomness, category theory, descriptive set theory,
foundations of mathematics, homotopy type theory, logical aspects of
topology, model theory, recursion theory, reverse mathematics, universal
+ Belief change and revision, deontic logics, description logics, dynamic
epistemic logic, first order modal logic, formal epistemology, imperative
logics, logic and artificial intelligence, logic in decision and game
theory, logic and social choice theory, logic and social cognition, logic
and social software, logic for information, logic for probability and
uncertainty, modal logic – algebraic, algorithmic, category theoretic and
model theoretic aspects, multi-agent systems, normative reasoning,
provability logics
+ Automata theory and logic, category theory in computer science, logic and
algebraic methods, logic and concurrency, logic and games, logic and
quantum computing, probabilistic logics and stochastic processes,
transductions, two-variable logics, well quasi orders
+ Automated reasoning, formal analysis of programs, formal verification and
synthesis, hyperproperties, logic in industrial applications, logic in
security and privacy, programming language semantics, real time logics,
temporal logics, theory and applications of SAT and SMT solvers and theorem
provers, software/app development for logic
+ Algorithmic meta theorems, comonads in finite model theory, decision
procedures for logics, definable functions on relational structures, logic
and computational complexity, logic and constraint satisfaction problems,
logic and databases, logic and graph structure theory, logic and machine
learning, many valued logics in finite model theory, proof complexity,
stability theory over finite structures
+ History of logic – Indian, Chinese and Western and comparative studies,
Indian philosophical systems: Buddhism, Jainism, Mīmāṃsa and Nyāya,
interaction of classical logic with other logics, many valued logics and
their applications, non-monotonic logics, paraconsistency, particular
systems of logic
+ General tools and frameworks for logical systems, Large Language Models
(LLMs) – cognitive aspects and impact on society, logic and cognitive
science, logic in education, logic and ethics in artificial intelligence,
logic in law, logic and linguistics, logic and metaphysics, logic and
philosophy of mathematics, logic and philosophy of science, philosophical
issues of logical systems, philosophy of language
The following awards will be given to selected contributed papers during
the conference:
- Best paper award
- Best student paper award
All the authors in any paper considered for the best student paper award
must be students at the time of submission of the paper. Please note that
it is possible for neither of these awards to be given in the event that
none of the submitted papers meet the requisite standards.
Programme Committee
C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
Rupa Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Sanjukta Basu (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Michael Benedikt (University of Oxford, UK)
Kuntala Bhattacharya (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Madhumita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Tran Chieu-Minh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Deepak D’Souza (IISc Bangalore, India)
Anupam Das (University of Birmingham, UK)
Huimin Dong (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT, France)
Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
Shibashis Guha (TIFR Mumbai, India)
Petr Hliněný (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Roman Kuznets (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Moritz Lichter (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Gayatri Panicker (Vellore Institute of Technology, India)
Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA)
R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Krishna S (IIT Bombay, India)
Abhisekh Sankaran (TCS Research, India)
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India)
Sylvain Schmitz (IRIF Paris, France)
Chenwei Shi (Tsinghua University, China)
Stephen G Simpson (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Slawomir Solecki (Cornell University, USA)
Shichang Song (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
Vaishnavi Sundararajan (IIT Delhi, India)
Sergei Starchenko (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Ramanathan S Thinniyam (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Jouko Väänänen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
More members are expected to join.
Invited Speakers
Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA)
Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel)
Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
More speaker confirmations are awaited.
Organizing Committee Chairs
Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata)
Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai)
Co-located Workshops
Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL)
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
For any queries or suggestions, feel free to write to:
More information and updates about the conference can be found at:
Call for Papers
ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
Dates: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India
Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/
EasyChair CFP link: https://easychair.org/cfp/icla2025/
About the conference
The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary
conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum
for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal
logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics,
Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special
feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the
Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. Details of the
previous ICLA 2023 can be found at [2], and those of the earlier editions
of the conference at the ALI website.
[1] https://logicindia.org/
[2] https://icla2023.iiti.ac.in/
The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take
place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata during February 3
-- 5, 2025.
ICLA 2025 features
* Best paper and best student paper awards;
* Two kinds of contributed papers:
- Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that
will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [3]. The review
process for these abstracts will involve a rebuttal phase;
- Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference;
* Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission
to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course);
* ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on
Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in
India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025.
Events: Main conference and co-located workshops
+ Main conference: ICLA 2025:
- Date: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025
- Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [4]
- Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/
+ Co-located workshop: AWPL 2025:
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5]
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
[4] https://www.isical.ac.in/
[5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/
Important dates
All dates below are AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
- Deadline for abstract of submission: Aug 11, 2024
- Submission deadline: Aug 15, 2024
- Rebuttal period: Sep 23 -- Sep 28, 2024
- Notification to authors: 18 Oct, 2024
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished
research in any area of logic and its applications. Please see below for a
detailed list of topics.
EasyChair website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025
Common guidelines for all submissions
1) A submission must either be an extended abstract or a short abstract.
2) Submissions must be in electronic form, and must be submitted through
Easychair via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025.
3) Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient details to
allow the program committee to assess their merits. Each submission must be
a single PDF file.
4) Submissions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind process.
5) Submissions authored or co-authored by PC members are allowed. PC member
submissions will however be subject to a higher level of scrutiny than
other submissions.
6) For an accepted submission, one of the authors must commit to presenting
it at the conference either in person or online.
Additional guidelines for extended abstracts
1) The submission should not exceed 12 pages excluding references, and
should adhere to the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX2e style [SV].
Detailed proofs of technical results or other supplementary material, if
necessary, can be included in a clearly marked appendix or made available
via pointers to technical reports which may be read at the discretion of
the programme committee. There is no restriction on the length of the
2) Submissions of previously published works, or concurrent submissions to
journals or to other conferences with proceedings, are not allowed. The
authors can however make full versions of their submissions available at
online repositories such as ArXiv, HAL and ECCC.
3) During the reviewing, there will be a rebuttal phase for extended
abstracts which would give the authors an opportunity to respond to the
initial reviews. Instructions related to the rebuttal will be communicated
to the authors before the rebuttal period.
4) Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference
proceedings which will appear in the FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language
and Information [FoL], a sub-series of Springer LNCS.
Additional guidelines for short abstracts
1) The submission should be about a page in length describing the main
results of the work. Pointers to technical reports detailing the results
can be provided.
2) There will be no rebuttal phase for short abstracts.
3) Accepted short abstracts will not be published in the conference
proceedings. They will however be made available on the conference website.
Submission Topics
The submission topics include, but are not limited to, the following.
Submissions of interdisciplinary nature are especially encouraged.
+ Algorithmic randomness, category theory, descriptive set theory,
foundations of mathematics, homotopy type theory, logical aspects of
topology, model theory, recursion theory, reverse mathematics, universal
+ Belief change and revision, deontic logics, description logics, dynamic
epistemic logic, first order modal logic, formal epistemology, imperative
logics, logic and artificial intelligence, logic in decision and game
theory, logic and social choice theory, logic and social cognition, logic
and social software, logic for information, logic for probability and
uncertainty, modal logic – algebraic, algorithmic, category theoretic and
model theoretic aspects, multi-agent systems, normative reasoning,
provability logics
+ Automata theory and logic, category theory in computer science, logic and
algebraic methods, logic and concurrency, logic and games, logic and
quantum computing, probabilistic logics and stochastic processes,
transductions, two-variable logics, well quasi orders
+ Automated reasoning, formal analysis of programs, formal verification and
synthesis, hyperproperties, logic in industrial applications, logic in
security and privacy, programming language semantics, real time logics,
temporal logics, theory and applications of SAT and SMT solvers and theorem
provers, software/app development for logic
+ Algorithmic meta theorems, comonads in finite model theory, decision
procedures for logics, definable functions on relational structures, logic
and computational complexity, logic and constraint satisfaction problems,
logic and databases, logic and graph structure theory, logic and machine
learning, many valued logics in finite model theory, proof complexity,
stability theory over finite structures
+ History of logic – Indian, Chinese and Western and comparative studies,
Indian philosophical systems: Buddhism, Jainism, Mīmāṃsa and Nyāya,
interaction of classical logic with other logics, many valued logics and
their applications, non-monotonic logics, paraconsistency, particular
systems of logic
+ General tools and frameworks for logical systems, Large Language Models
(LLMs) – cognitive aspects and impact on society, logic and cognitive
science, logic in education, logic and ethics in artificial intelligence,
logic in law, logic and linguistics, logic and metaphysics, logic and
philosophy of mathematics, logic and philosophy of science, philosophical
issues of logical systems, philosophy of language
The following awards will be given to selected contributed papers during
the conference:
- Best paper award
- Best student paper award
All the authors in any paper considered for the best student paper award
must be students at the time of submission of the paper. Please note that
it is possible for neither of these awards to be given in the event that
none of the submitted papers meet the requisite standards.
Programme Committee
C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India)
Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India)
Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India)
Rupa Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Sanjukta Basu (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Michael Benedikt (University of Oxford, UK)
Kuntala Bhattacharya (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India)
Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Madhumita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Tran Chieu-Minh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Deepak D’Souza (IISc Bangalore, India)
Anupam Das (University of Birmingham, UK)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT, France)
Su Gao (Nankai University, China)
Shibashis Guha (TIFR Mumbai, India)
Petr Hliněný (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Moritz Lichter (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Gayatri Panicker (Vellore Institute of Technology, India)
Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA)
R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India)
Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Krishna S (IIT Bombay, India)
Abhisekh Sankaran (TCS Research, India)
Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India)
Sylvain Schmitz (IRIF Paris, France)
Stephen G Simpson (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Slawomir Solecki (Cornell University, USA)
Shichang Song (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India)
Vaishnavi Sundararajan (IIT Delhi, India)
Sergei Starchenko (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Ramanathan S Thinniyam (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Jouko Väänänen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
More members are expected to join.
Organizing Committee Chairs
Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata)
Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai)
Co-located Workshops
Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL)
- Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025
- Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/
For any queries or suggestions, feel free to write to:
More information and updates about the conference can be found at: